Friday, March 4, 2011

Light Up Scooter Wheels

Alternative Tenerife Yes requires an emergency plan for the municipality Güímar

spokeswoman Yes you can in the city of Guimaras, Gloria García Fariña said that more than two years, particularly in April 2009, his political education asked the municipalities of Valle Güímar to begin work urgently to develop an Emergency Plan. For Garcia "past and recent events related to extreme weather events, including risk, demonstrate their need."

spokeswoman Yes we can said that "currently only known to the municipality of Candelaria is working on this line, we reiterate the request that Güímar to join the initiative. "

"It is impossible to remember fire as happened in 2007, Delta Storm, or the latter rains of January, events that remind us of the shortcomings of the municipality to any adverse event, either fire, wind or rain," he added from the left-wing organization.

Although an emergency plan is not required for municipalities with a population less than 20 thousand inhabitants, as Güímar from Yes we can are convinced of its necessity, "since you must know what are the risks, resources de que redispone, la coordinación de los medios ante los incidentes, las vías de evacuación o la concienciación e información a la población de cómo debe responder ante cualquier catástrofe, natural o humana. Se trata, en definitiva, de definir un marco de actuación frente a situaciones graves de riesgo o catástrofe. La ubicación del municipio y la cercanía del polígono industrial son motivos adicionales para estudiar y evaluar cuáles son los riesgos”.

Gloria García lanza nuevamente un llamamiento al Ayuntamiento de Güímar para la creación de un Plan de Emergencia municipal y “así garantizar que las administraciones velan por nuestra seguridad en la medida of all its possibilities. "


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