The talk will take place on Thursday in the room to the formation of the left has in Guimaras. At the same there will be a review of the forms of democracy and the right of citizens to participate.
Yes The candidate can be in the town of Guimar, Gloria García Fariña, today announced the lecture with the title "Participatory Democracy and Representative Democracy "will develop on Thursday at 19:00 hours in the local Yes we can (Calle Ecuador N º 87. Barrio de Fátima).
García Fariña noted that "a long time our organization has tried to generate debate and collective reflections on various topics. We believe that before the next election, it was very interesting to talk about democracy and how citizens can play a more active role in it. " For this purpose the organization has had ecosocialist Roberto Rodriguez Guerra, distinguished professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the University de La Laguna. According
spokeswoman Yes we can "want to be a participatory discussion, where many ideas are exchanged.
consider talking about issues like this is very necessary at a time we live in a huge disappointment among the public about politics or, rather, how to make major political parties. "
The candidate says finally that "the results of this and other public speeches we've been doing, will help us generate a manifesto which set out our desire to involve local residents in decision making, we want to open City Hall to the people of Guimaras. "
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