The candidate of alternatives if you can by Tenerife Candelaria, Mayca Coello, has explained his party's proposal for the coast of the municipality in which it is proposed recovery of public land currently occupied by tourism enterprises and with clear signs of neglect.
To Mayca Coello, "is necessary for the City of Candelaria start a recovery process from various sectors of the coast between the end of the existing promenade and the beach next to Cho Vito. In this area, several private estates for years occupied the coastal area that by law should be restricted to public transit. Many of these occupations are for grants which have now been expiring without having conducted its renewal by the Provincial Coastal Service, incurring a situation of manifest illegality. "
For this reason, the proposed eco-socialist candidate can proceed to enter into a negotiation between the municipality of Candelaria and the Directorate General Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, under the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, for these areas to become managed under concession by the City to enrich tourist offer for our neighbors.
In this action, according to Coello, "should include upgrading existing facilities, their physical separation from adjacent sectors belonging to private property and the extension of the existing boardwalk to the beach beside the old village of Cho Vito. " Finally, the spokesman for Yes it can be argued that "this action will contribute to improving services public and economic revitalization of Las Caletillas, an area abandoned by the municipality of Candelaria. "
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