declares People's Unit that the current draft of a new road between Los Llanos and Puntagorda, which will include a bridge that would cross the gorge of Sorrows from Argual to Amagar, not contribute to the development of the northwest of the island of La Palma.
Village Unit notes as an example the situation for the municipality of San Andrés y Sauces, which is experiencing a severe depopulation despite being one of the areas where increased investment in road infrastructure have been made in recent decades (tunnels , bridges, elimination of curves). And is that a road is not only the gateway to a people, but also a way of escape, especially when lack of opportunities in that locality.
The comparison between the Viaduct of Los Tilos and the proposed bridge over the gorge of Sorrows is not at all arbitrary in both cases is of a nature of propaganda saying such works as "the largest in the world." If at the time it was said that the viaduct of Los Tilos was the "largest in Europe," now shows the bridge project of Sorrows as the "largest in Spain." What's in La Palma that? Does improving the situation of palm and palm for having such an infrastructure, supposedly, the greater the Universe? Is that what they call "Progress"?
There is no relationship between the construction of major transport infrastructure and improving the welfare and quality of life. Neither does a generation of employment, except in the short period that the works last. At a time when, with the excuse of the crisis, cut health and education budgets are Announce monumental works of very high budget and benefits debatable. The cost of this infrastructure money should be spent on other more pressing needs is the village of La Palma. Public resources must not be squandered on unnecessary and nonsensical as the bridge infrastructure of Sorrows, the macroaeropuerto (to be opened, coincidentally, during elections), highways or artificial beaches.
On the other hand, the impact on landscape and environmental costs must be taken into account. Not only in the sentimental sense, but who is unable to appreciate the natural and ecological values \u200b\u200bof an area, will also be unable to properly manage the resources in their territories, but also economically. And it is necessary to strike a balance between man and land, the environment in which it operates, much more than mere conservatism that separates the two elements and ignores the anthropogenically generated landscapes. Given the importance of tourism on the island of La Palma (whose management activity, weight and orientation, must obviously be rephrased), the destruction or creation of imbalances in the natural landscape and adversely affect it.
To People's Unity, future alternatives for municipalities as Tijarafe Garafía Puntagorda and spend to generate economic alternatives within those territories, without sacrificing its rural character, enhancing the midlands, crop and livestock diversification The food industry and crafts, new leisure space, etc. It should generate a productive economy not based on the binomial construction-tourism, and go for popular control of economic dynamics against a political power that represents only the interests of big business and banking.
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