Friday, December 31, 2010

Platypus Breeders In The Usa

2011. Breaking the chains. Unity of the People

Vicente Quintana.

A few hours to finish a terrible 2010, we announced further cuts in social work and will make most people fall into the spiral of impoverishment due to indiscriminate increases in electricity, fuels , the staples, higher mortgages, more than possible introduction of copayments in public health as well as applying a percentage to be prescribed drugs for pensioners and see their revenues eroded meager pension and if it all, another twist against the rights of workers, this time in the form of full deregulation of collective bargaining, where employers will have hands free to negotiate without taking into account the rights granted to workers in the previous agreement.

And all this, it does not intervene.

The English government wants to pursue the biggest heist of the century the working class with the reform and reducing pensions. We want to work longer because they say there is no labor in the future capable of sustaining the public system. Is the big lie, no more than to see the level of unemployment exists. The logical thing would be to trigger a productive economy that would generate quality jobs and quality wages. But that does not touch.
What it says José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is that this decision only relates to supporting the economic and financial elite, which has seen the pension business is impressive and growing, but those who invest in private funds could lose their capital easily. There are cases.
Who do these projections are the same as in 1990 advanced to Social Security would break with the century or those imposed on us the thesis of Chile's private model. Not broke, but he went to hell the Chilean model. The system only has a future public and in doing so, we must place it does not go against him as now.
Therefore, it is incredible that they worry about the future of pensions. They worry about feeding the pockets of the powerful. Regrettable. The equation is simple to ensure a public and profitable. First you must create quality jobs and well paid, and second, it must end with tax evasion and raise tax policy in line with the earnings of each. That way there would be no problem with pensions. Sure. Or they stop
feet or follow us in chains ...

Vicente Quintana
Secretary of Organization of People's United

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Avril Lavigne Concert Tour

opposes the privatization of the airports of La Palma, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Canary

For UP, the state of alarm was decided at the meeting Zapatero with employers which also decided to cancel the assistance to the unemployed.

People's Unit is totally opposed to the privatization of the airports of La Palma, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura announced, under the euphemism of "liberalization", by Minister José Blanco. For this leftwing political organization, which is essential in an archipelago, such as communication, should be a public service and not a private business. Again it is a government of the PSOE, who starts a new attack on public services and carries out a policy of privatization and cuts right to the rights of the working majority. To UP is the government who is blackmailing and kidnapping the people by declaring a state of alarm, as, indeed, had already decided before the strike of the drivers, specifically in the meeting with leading businessmen of the English state where decided, inter alia, the privatization of airports and lotteries and the elimination of 425 euros to help the unemployed (the situation is obviously much worse than that of travelers who could not fly during the bridge). To accelerate the privatization of airports and, in turn, create a smokescreen over the abolition of aid to the unemployed who have lost their unemployment benefits, the government causes a decree changing the working conditions of air traffic controllers just the day before a bridge, knowing that it would generate such a strike, resulting discomfort of travelers. The state of alarm was manufactured previously, it first had to create the conditions for people to accept the imposition of the same. The alarm status is also a warning against other workers at airports (ground staff), to prevent such conduct protests against airport privatization, hence it has been extended until January 15, a period during which they made the first steps towards the far right-wing of airport privatization that ultimately have a negative impact on passengers and the entire citizenry. As expected, the criminalization campaign against air traffic controllers is affecting workers and ground staff, with wages well below, running the risk that their claims are not covered by the public. Privatization can go as far as the closure of airports that are not considered "profitable", the go from being a priority public service to be the business benefit.

Village Unit calls on people to mobilize against the new business dictatorship, against the removal of 425 euros in aid to the unemployed who have lost their unemployment benefits, and against the privatization of airports and other basic services mail.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Speed Suits Track Field

subjunctive: Another nut more.

Now it is the reform of the pension system, another step antisocial. The English government aims and coseguirá extend the calculation of pensions, from 15 to 20 or perhaps 25 years, reducing them from 5 to 16 percent, and delay the retirement age to 67 years.

The right to services and benefits, along with the right to health, education, pensions, etc., Is what so far has been what has been called the rightful heritage of the working class to social welfare in exchange for social peace and not questioning the capitalist system.

Village Unit believes that the idea must be banished or conservative or reactionary vision that sees these rights of the working class as gratia government or even society itself. For our organization in the present site or historical situation and social services benefits are a right of people to achieve equality of opportunity but, if in many cases to avoid social exclusion.

The benefit system must continue to rest upon public accountability, as guarantor of rights, breaded would be if the planning, management and access to services dependent private institutions. Increasingly

denoting that we are States, including English, are handing the management of social services to private and multinational companies. Is not contemplating social services as a value but as just another business.

aging population and increasing the cost of treatments and the demand of citizens and taxpayers in general, at greater expense, estándose already considering measures such as the copayment to stop sobrefrecuentación and rationalization of expenditure, even studying the possibility of co-payment for drugs on the basis income; questioned, one hundred percent free for pensioners.

Workers are not relegated to mere "managed", "beneficiaries", "contributors" or "single taxpayers," we have some memos, we delegate these rights in the state, and he has been given over the edge Internationalization capital and financial market globalization.

civil society is disjointed, the Canary Islands, there are over 246 000 pensioners, over 260 thousand unemployed and more than 682 000 members of the Social Security and there are even user associations to monitor the functioning of the services and benefits of those areas; bringing the total lack of control and thus is the helplessness of the poor.

We have not exercised any control and hence the phrase of our biggest canaries, "we are being disrespected."

We have lost political control and social and thus also lose the services and benefits social, therefore our Canarian society to wake up and respond, otherwise we will have in our neck nut that makes us even suffocation.

José Miguel Ramírez Araña
Member of the National People's Unit.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Where Can I Buy Whippets At

People's Unit, condemned as fascist decree a state of alarm.

Workers, we are tired of paying the crisis of capitalism

Again neoliberal government led by Zapatero is placed in the hands of the most rancid right of the English state and puts the army to resolve a dispute.

The sequence of events that have been featured in the last ten days, are highly troubling and a cause for sober reflection:

Delivery of the document signed by the "one hundred merchants," the king and his subsequent delivery to the Zapatero government, which affects all major reforms detrimental to the majority, proposed a "National Government" (will we be on the verge of a new 23F?), a new package of measures approved by Zapatero's government, in which reloads the blame on the unemployed, removing the aid of 426 euros, condemning hundreds of thousands of workers in absolute poverty from next February and privatizing public enterprises, profitable and productive for them in private hands and friends of the government and the powerful threat that next January 28 will be issued the decree on the reform pension, which will further impoverishment and poverty for millions of workers of the English state.

People's Unit, condemns the fascist as the alarm state decreed by the government, representing the suspension at a practical level, constitutional rights and the precedent it represents the continuing implementation of this measure to other conflicts work and could now be witnessing the suspension of the right to strike.

People's Unit, denounced the belligerent and authoritarian attitude with which the government is acting, by his obvious incapacity to solve problems in a democratic way, unable to reverse the neoliberal drift is causing the largest known attack in recent years against labor and social rights of workers.

We can not continue and agrees that the government continues to act on the basis to impose by decree-laws, action against labor and social rights and trampling on the right to bargain collectively, demonstrating their contempt for most workers and placing them in extreme situations, to a way of acting authoritarian, militaristic and wild.

Workers, we are tired of paying the crisis of capitalism, tired of being robbed, tired of suffering from this social system that only thinks about the interests of banks and large corporations, fed up that they become all private business and public services.

The only answer to the excesses and violence of government and business banking is strong and organized mobilization of workers.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things That Require Wearing A Jockstrap

You can download the newsletter No. 8 Southeast committee Alternative Alternative

Dear friend, dear friend

periodically committee militants south of alternatives if you can for Tenerife in the Valle de Guimar, we took to the streets our newsletter informative. In this case, we are at number 8 and, and in it you can find news like that are summarized below:

Headlines you will find the presentation of our two candidates Mayca Gloria Gonzalez Coello and the municipalities of Candelaria and Guimar respectively, and the basic proposals for both municipalities and the Guimar Valley in particular.

Page 3, is reserved for an article on the proper management of waste, an issue that since our formation is considered vital for the future.

Pages 4 and 5 are reserved for an interview with Fernando Sabaté, candidate of alternatives if you can by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife island.

on pages 6 and 7, you will find an article dedicated to the continuing problems they have suffered Valley schools and do not seem to have an immediate solution because of the policies that are being CC-PP-PSOE.

In conclusion, we have our popular Did you know .. this time devoted to a special place as Samarin, threatened with the possible development in the area.

Again thank you for your interest and any suggestions or opinions are always welcome.


Tenerife Yes you can.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Names Of Parts Of The Inside Of A Car

Grim outlook for workers and workers canaries if not articulate the popular response.

National Council statement
The effects of economic crisis and the hits are harder capitalist policies run amok and put our people in a pretty desperate situation, especially if there is a much stronger popular response that done so far .

Although it seeks to minimize, if not hide the gravity of the current crisis, the reality is relentless.

indicators are dismal. The state recognizes our country more than 310,000 unemployed, which would add another 80,000 people who are part of the workforce and are not discharged from Social Security. Are "missing" in the make-up given in the official figures, who try to hide at all costs in the Canary Islands unemployment already above 30%.
From People's Unit, we have explained each time that official figures are given: the INEM / SCE no account of workers and unemployed workers who have worked for a week in the last twelve months. Or those they forced to do a "training course" to fatten the coffers of the trade unions and employers' scheme. Obviously, not counted people who do not expect any benefits and have given up going to sign the book of unemployment.
Add to that wages in the Canary Islands by 17% below the state average and 8% working day longer. If in addition we have the basket more expensive of the state, means that over 79% of families Canaries did not reach the end of the month.
As recognized by the state itself, through INE, 30% of the Canarian population is under the poverty line. The multiply famines. Many people only one meal a day. Many of our children go to school without being able to eat breakfast. In fact, in many cases the high school allowed the only hot meal a day, so no surprise that school failure reaches 38%.

And that in a country where a handful of capitalists have been over 25,000 million euros thanks to the mechanism of legalized tax evasion that has resulted in the Canary Islands Investment Reserve (RIC) real figurehead of neoliberal policies in the Canary Islands. Not to mention the billions given away by the specific supply arrangements (REA) which subsidizes scandalously importers at the expense of our farmers and ranchers.

Almost all staple products comes from outside. We are totally sold to fluctuations in domestic food markets and increases in fuel prices.

While public education deteriorates increasingly, with overcrowded classrooms and underpaid teachers, the public health benefit collapses into concerts and fiddling with private water companies.

hunger, deprivation and despair begin to make the lives of hundreds of thousands of canary and the canary. The rapid decline in consumption has taken a toll on thousands of self-employed and small and medium entrepreneurs, who see also banking corporations are tightening the noose around his neck.

We are not pessimistic, this is reality pure and simple, where we face a very serious situation, but at the same time encouraging, where we dump all the energy revolution, creativity and hope combative popular, articulating a forceful and organized popular response.

the service of this struggle, this need, a modest work every day from people's unity, because we do not accept, do not give up.

unite, organize, move towards a Free and Socialist Canary

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Smoke Alarm Kiddi Installation Beeping

Yes we can Yes we can cross out the demagogic attitude of CC-PP in Candelaria

Alternative Yes you can by Tenerife accused of being populist and demagogic attitude of CC and PP in the last full council of Candelaria and asks the group of government take into account the lower income families to raise taxes when

In the last plenary of this corporation, held on 16 November the CC and PP councilors decided to leave the room when he addressed the issue of rising taxes and fees for the municipality.

According Mayca Coello, spokesperson and candidate for mayor of Candelaria by Alternative Tenerife Yes we can, "the attitude of CC and PP abandoning the populist right is an attitude and demagogic, much more in these times where the crisis is primed with many families canary in the form of unemployment and job insecurity, so take these actions when it comes to taxes is counterproductive. "

To Coello, "Canary Islands and the right state with a populist and no content, intended to fool the neighbors and neighbors on one side opposing the minimum tax increase proposed by the group of government and elsewhere for help for those who are suffering in the municipality, without saying where it will get the money for them. "

ecosocialist spokeswoman hopes "that the money will improve the quality of life of people in the county, mainly those that are faring worse, and that money collected is not used to plug holes of past wasteful conducted by the Municipal Corporation. "

Yes we can require the group of government "to take into account when collecting taxes and fees to the poorest people and families all members are unemployed, so it does not happen with the measures taken by the state government, they do pay for the crisis to poor people and, of course, are not responsible for it. "

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Make Sony Sr200p Region Free

Yes you can claim the irresponsibility of the City Council to allow the use of a new sports pavilion Punta Larga Alternative

Alternative Yes you can Tenerife denounced the irresponsibility of the Municipality of Candelaria to allow the use of a new school sports hall of Punta Larga without having removed the crane used in construction

P or this reason have requirements presented to the City Council and to the Ministry of Industry, Government of Canary demanding the closure of the facility until it withdraws from that machine.

To Mayca Coello, mayoral candidate Yes you can, "is incredible recklessness of the City Council that allows girls and school children to use these facilities without having removed the crane, which is not operational and should be dismantled immediately to avoid the obvious danger would be if they fall, "adding that" any directors, except apparently our City, receives a work without requiring the company the run to completely remove all materials and machinery used in its construction, adding in this case the arrogance of municipal officials who have already been warned by us, at a meeting held on November 5, the required withdrawal of crane before the opening of the Pavilion, which has largely ignored. " Coello

confirms that have also been addressed City Council and the Ministry of Industry to communicate this situation and are waiting to close the facility immediately until the crane is removed and the integrity of the users is ensured. AMPA also proposed to the school "who refuses to send poor students to this facility."

According Alternative Tenerife Yes we can, "all negligence are unacceptable, but those who endanger our children do not tolerate and we all remember what happened in other wards and when an accident occurs lamentations are useless. "

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jenna Haze Shirt Got Dick?

TO THE CANCER STOP to crow ....

Unfortunately, the subject of fashion. Too often we see on the news and the gossip and dying because of "a long illness" actresses, actors, singers ...


Tired of

discourage all those who struggle day to day against the disease

Tired of looking hide it with absurd

Tired of not assume what is just on the say

Tired of journalists make the fight against cancer a losing battle.

Tired of not taking appropriate measures for early detection and fight something that certainly could be attacked by root with relevant efforts and means that the disease entails. (Only because there is no political interest strict about it)

Fortunately, for every person (currently not shown, but I think to my regret that there are more deaths among women than men for this disease) fighting the c and Ancer dies trying to survive, I think I can say without hesitation that there are 1,000,000 going forward because they have fighting spirit, because look at the death grip and it laugh to keep fighting, because they still have much to do, because they follow having much to say to all those who suffer and go through it all. Without going any further, my mother, a great example. At least I needed it, the cancer entered in your life (and thus in ours as well) trying to destroy it. I struggle because I still had much to say, had much to prove and had much to fight. After all the suffering undergone treatment remains because it is a born fighter. And as I say is that often, my mother is from those included in the said long ago ceased to crow TO PUT EGG. Today is discouraged and drops a tear every time the news people who die and leave negative statistics from the disease. So today I say:


Instead of dedicating a duck head for those who die, dedicate ourselves to raising it to those still fighting for life. Why do men and women who fall into this fight is not in vain. Nor will serve to discourage us in this task as remotely complicated it is to live because of this bump, on the contrary, you can see if you will. That is not so strong if one wishes to live with all that is because they know that you are not alone with this.

" death is so certain to win that leaves us a lifetime ahead, enjoy that advantage until the last breath "

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whats In The Compressed Air Dusters

Yes you can claim the conservation status of the sports courts of Guimaras because they lack minimum maintenance

According to Gloria Garcia, municipal spokesman Yes we can "sports courts have Güímar just minimal maintenance by municipal officials, and rarely acted on after built, with what facilities are deteriorating, with broken boards and basketball hoops, goals that rust, fences that break or fall, grass growing on the boards of the floor ... a combination that leads to a loss quality and safety of this type of sports facilities. "

"In Güímar there are several municipal sports fields play a crucial service for the entire population, especially for children and adults, making possible the exercise and sport in a safe manner, moving much compared to the days when children had to play the ball in the street, with the logical threat to security, but in poor condition facilities also carry risks, "added the spokesman Yes you can, it is also critical that these spaces," often used for non-sporting events such as parties , or parks where there are works in the streets (an example is the district of Chacona this year), no cleaned well to leave them in perfect condition on these activities, and that although there is evidence of its implementation, or at least should have, from the areas of municipal government. "

For all this, from Yes it can be called "greater municipal involvement to be carried out better health care and sports facilities, as are areas of great importance to the people by the meet social service. "

Monday, September 13, 2010

Is A 925 M Diamond Bracelet Real

Alternative Yes you can claim the disastrous management of the Ministry of Education, Government of Canary Islands in the CEIP Punta Larga de Candelaria

CEIP Punta Larga de Candelaria is a clear example of the disastrous management of the Ministry of Education, Government of Canary

The supply of public education in the municipality of Candelaria is being affected by the significant population growth it has experienced in the last decade. Education Centres and Primary exist are the limits of its possibilities or even surpassed. The Ministry of Education lacks the necessary planning and management of educational resources to give a satisfactory answer to the existing reality.

This situation is found before the summer holidays when 25 children from 3 years did not agree to one of the 60 plazas establecidas por la Consejería de Educación en el CEIP Punta Larga, que les correspondía atendiendo al baremo de área de influencia. Finalmente la situación se solventó a costa de aumentar la ratio de alumnado en cada una de las unidades de Infantil de 3 años y a costa de instalar dos nuevas aulas prefabricadas en este centro que se destinarán este curso a alumnado de primaria. Una vez iniciado el curso las nuevas aulas prefabricadas no han sido terminadas ubicándose sus usuarios en el Aula de informática del Centro.

En el CEIP Punta Larga ya existían el curso pasado dos aulas prefabricadas que persisten hoy; además el pequeño salón de actos funciona como aula por las mañanas y se transforma classroom to stay in the afternoons, and the dependencies for the library work as a classroom in the morning, preventing its use for that purpose. We appreciate the commendable efforts the Director of the Center, faculty and College AMPA made to manage the space and continue to offer children access to books through the Mobile Library.

The Education Office has publicized the award of the construction of a new building with a multipurpose room and two classrooms that have not yet started taking advantage of the summer. With the start of the school year these works are incompatible for security reasons the presence of students at the Center

Moreover, the high that last year had 360 seats had 410 applications for this course. 50 applicants will be unable to enjoy this essential service to the reconciliation of work and family life. Many people who are unemployed or unable to properly establish a permanent job will be greatly hindered its incorporation into the labor market.

In short, Yes you can claim that this center is saturated and this is reflected in a substantial decline in the quality of its offerings and student welfare and contributes to the deterioration of the social status of public education. Why allow these poor conditions in a public school while still funding the private school? Why do not guarantee the human and financial resources for quality public education they deserve our sons and daughters? Alternative

From Tenerife Yes we can DEMAND that the Ministry of Education immediately start the new school building under the municipal land annexed to the existing. We understand that financial cuts should not be made in key areas such as education and should not justify the maintenance and the growth of inequality among people who have access to public education and make it private-concert.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Light Bleeding Mucusy

Alternative Yes you can by Tenerife considered an invidious demolition of Cho Vito

For left-wing organization are occurring in flagrant cases of unfairness in the implementation of the Coastal Act, in this and other cases in the Canaries.

"have occurred or are being tested similar episodes in other islands such as La Palma, where small fishing village until it was demolished completely disappeared, while other properties of wealthy private owners with impunity defy the Coastal Act and the preservation the public nature of the maritime-terrestrial "signal from Yes you can, and give as an example more blatantly, but noúnico, the case of hotels in Lanzarote declared illegal by a court.

In this regard, and to strengthen its complaint, the party ecosocialist echoes the recent court ruling on the three individuals won the appeal on the case of demarcation in the littoral zone occupied houses in Punta Larga .

For Yes we can "justify such a sentence more than reasonable doubt regarding the arbitrary path that follows the sea-land boundary in many areas of Candelaria, therefore, while not carried out an equal application Law Coasts along the coast over the status of the residents or occupants, demolition of Cho Vito have no legitimacy. "

Friday, July 16, 2010

Alopecia Areata Barbae Treatments

Bulletin No. 7 of the Committee of the Region South of alternatives if you can

Dear friend, dear friend:

As regularly, the committee Southeastern Alternative Tenerife Yes we can out to the street their newsletter to the Valle de Guimar. In this issue, 7, can be found as the following highlights:

- In Focus we present an overview of Arafo
seen from a point of view a little sarcastic, given the unique political situation that keeps this town from time immemorial.

- Inside the newsletter you will find an article on economics and ecology. Provides a study which shows that the development does not conflict with the proper treatment of the environment and alternative energies are really an awesome source for employment and advancement.

- Following the summary of an article that is posted on our blog on citizen participation, where subject matter experts provide their views on the growing concern of the population indifference to politics and collective participation in their neighborhoods and towns.

- continues this issue with an interview with some committee members, which reflect their views on various policy issues in the Valley of Guimaras and other issues related to the party or social participation.

- For local issues, we can find an overview of the problems of a people as Barranco Hondo, real estate speculation scenario the development of the PGO advantage of Candelaria, and then was left abandoned and forgotten by the local corporation waiting for a few months before the election fix everything that the neighbors have been waiting for years.

- In an interview in this issue we focus on the most endearing character of Candelaria, El Cape: a lifelong fisherman who tells us their experiences and how fishing has changed over the years.

- Finally, and as always, just with our traditional "Did you know ...?" This issue is dedicated to a plant that was introduced in the Canary Islands many years ago and has become something that is already part of our culture and identity: the Aloe vera.

as always hope that this newsletter is to your liking and look forward suggestions and opinions.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Invocation Prayer For A Debutant

Citizen Participation Alternative

When part of the citizenry is mobilized and thrown into the street in a protest by some environmental issues, labor, etc., direct contact with the other sector of society that observes the future liability of the problems, and even agreeing with that claim remains paralyzed meekly accepting the final outcome of the problem.

This is very typical Canarian society find pessimistic views that urge to abandon the struggle and the political participation of citizens, citing bland "not going to get anything." Fortunately, recent history has shown that the Canary Islands this is not always so, and slowly seeps into society a greater political awareness to get achievements. Lately

political organizations have articulated a number of mechanisms have been accessible to the people for greater citizen involvement in decision-making through Local Agenda 21, or the officers Tagoror Community. Are sufficient or not, are those that exist and should be exploited. Therefore, from Alternative Tenerife Yes We Can encourage people to be participatory in local policy decisions and to break with the psychological barriers that they hesitate to make the time to step forward and participate.

is why we do some thinking out loud and throw some questions to our fellow party members to help us know more of the political situation of the Canary Islands and their participation.

- Coello Mayca Answers, a sociologist and a candidate for mayor of Candelaria by Alternative Yes we can.

Do you think that today there remains the fear of being critical of the local political?
formal democracy was introduced in the English State recently, 30 years in the history of a society is a really short period after a longer period of dictatorship. We have not had time or opportunity to grow democratically, to ground behavior in accordance with this system. People who take public positions on many occasions, are no longer citizens to assume a social status superior. From this position undertake jobs, facilitate administrative procedures, tolerate conduct in the territory, manage social aid ... applied differential criteria depending on the ideological relationship, family, or economic with the addresses of these commitments. This arbitrary and patronage of the "power", accompanied by profound ignorance of our rights as citizens, encourages people to avoid a critical ruling against certain policies or actions, fearing the loss of the "favors" from politicians.

What local policies harmful there is a link with the world business?
The business is part of society, are citizens who perform an economic activity that create jobs of varying quality, and that could foster innovation and economic diversification. What often happens is that a part of this sector is linked to political parties through direct funding to them, the form of cash or in kind to public performances, through the establishment of professional links ... explicitly or implicitly demanding the return of favors. This is where the problems begin because there is loss of the sense of politics and management of public affairs for the entire citizenry, and it appears the desire for increased profits for the "sponsors."

- Fernando Answers Sabaté, geographer, member of the committee and candidate for the South of Tenerife Cabildo Alternative Yes we can.

Do you think the city feels more helpless canary than any other region of Spain?
I think, broadly true. The reason must be sought in the history of the islands' society: a community under excruciating conditions of despotism, a very marked delay in access to literacy and schooling, individuals colonial features (or semi) arising from the conquest in the fifteenth century. All this led to the resignation a "signified" (for fear of being punished), uncertainty in the use of language "official" (identified by the population as the language of power, he was oblivious), and difficulty too large to navigate the field of institutional. There may be instances of other communities with features of the English state, in part, similar (Galicia, Andalusia), but specific circumstances exist in the Canary Islands. On the other hand, I think we are in a historical phase in which - very slowly - it tends to gradually overcome these situations.

is said the voter on the left is more critical and demanding with his own party that the voter's rights, why is this the case?
also share the opinion. The left-wing people are (we are), by definition, critical of the existing. We want to overcome or transcend the current situation to improve. Otherwise, we would not be leftists. This, in principle, can not be more than positive. However, one thing to be critical and self-critical with ourselves, and another, different, is to develop a hipercriticismo blocking by contradiction any initiative to advance and transform reality. Human beings are not perfect, the reality is crossed by many contradictions, and we are all part of that reality. Acting on it is inevitable mistakes, but there is not correct (for it serves the self) and return to acting. And wrong again and again to correct, and return to acting. A virtue of all the truly revolutionary - a person can be very left-wing and yet very little revolutionary, disability to succeed in how to transform reality - is patience. As has been said many times, the first revolutionary virtue is patience, the second is patience, and the third, patience. But patience does not mean inaction, but action to accommodate the rates are acceptable to the people in each historical moment: sometimes it goes very fast, and many others very slowly.

- Answers Déniz Francisco, sociologist, member of the committee of La Laguna and member of the Coordinating Alternative Insular Yes we can.

Why is it that society is less politically active rural than urban?
This question deserves a reflection of at least a master's degree. However, if we were to say some things, even as a scheme, we would say that in general, rural societies have been subjected to a form of social control much more comprehensive and deeper than urban societies. Chieftaincy, the landowners, not sólo han controlado a la masa salarial, sino a las familias y clanes enteros. Ha ejercido muchísima represión, se han negado a que los aires liberales o socialistas invadan los campos, y no han dudado en llamar a la rebelión contra la democracia cuantas veces han querido. Además, la iglesia mantiene un control casi total de la vida cotidiana de los campos. Ello es así hasta nuestros días, aunque un poco menos. Pero aún se pueden observar los restos de este modelo de producción en muchas zonas del Archipiélago.

Por otro lado, mientras que en zonas donde han existido grandes contingentes de jornaleros y un salario y unas condiciones más o menos iguales se ha constituido una clase obrera campesina, la existencia small subsistence property, such as the Canary Islands, braking causes individualism any collective effort. Individualistic mentality has this base material of the small family owned and effort or, if you like, individual. This disables the political activism they do not understand that a collective effort out anything relevant to personal failings, is only worth the effort of yours. This mentality is deeply rooted in our people and in all rural communities have not developed or have not maintained links collectivist. It should also be taken into account that the power has ensured that the minimum glimpses of the agricultural community fail. For example, large multinational food groups have been systematically specialized local production plunge.

of the Church has spoken too much, so I will not delve into this issue, but no doubt that certain traditions affect the paralysis and fear to evolve and gain personal independence with respect to the primary bonds. That the city is much more flexible and there are multiple ways to escape this control. There are new expectations, new possibilities, and so on. leading to greater capacity and disposition to new ideas.

There is another issue that could attribute, I mean the greatest crisis. Actually, it is in cities where it is most evident the social decomposition and ecological identity (in the broadest sense and political), so it is logical that that is where opposition groups are constantly emerging.
This I said, and as a general framework could be applied to almost any situation as described, there is no doubt that we need to extend it, and the only way is to use the low pulse of young people in these areas and push other community in a democratic struggle that challenges the levers of power in our towns. And since this is not enough, there is no doubt that we need to know the reality before us, sometimes to work in fear and in smaller interests. The left has always ignored these issues but are as a people just paralyzed, and make proposals on the left falling into autoregocijo, in misunderstanding and, especially in the mockery. Therefore, it is necessary to know the ultimate reality that exists, which affects our way of life to make proposals for emancipation with hints of progress and not delay.

There is a low youth participation in active politics canaria, what message to send to young people who come to politics that affect us in our daily life?
Yes, that's obvious. The youth is very wrong, say the old. And because I am old, I have no choice but to continue saying it. But unlike the other old, I say this because, indeed, the youth has ignored the political issue. Eye, the entire society as well. That is, when the company is pending political issue in an innovative dynamic and reformist or revolutionary or even merely democratic, youth are also involved. That is evident in societies in transition. When the public fight, the youth is placed in front. But in situations like we live in postmodern clear aimlessly more or less known, the entire society is constrained on itself. There are many mechanisms that have led us to see society from the TV, and even, to believe we can change it from the damn machine. We have held, and it is very difficult to leave this prison. But in the case of today's youth, and unlike other generations of the 70 or even 80, the uncertainty of this time paralyzes energy. Capitalism spin we suffer, apparently produces so many stimuli that trigger what is the perception that changing things is practically impossible. And youth become pragmatic about what is and what is wild is precarious and competitiveness. So things are. Instead, the statistics speak of youth consulted canaria with great identification with their land, with the Canary Islands, even over Basque or Catalan youth, but unlike them, with little relation to this feeling with political speeches. That is, there is a great feeling of belonging to their village, but is poorly associated with political speeches that occur around them. It is a very apolitical youth. Also, another interesting fact is the high rate of atheism.

The proposals made in the future for youth, convince them that things can change, that will change and that their contribution is important, not as young but as adults are the basics. In my opinion you have to do to see the youth that even in the political and social struggle is life and also live a very rewarding and a great deal of intelligence and preparation. The political struggle makes people more intelligent and in our country Islands, with high levels of illiteracy, it is a school improvement.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dr In Toronto Test Herpe

Tenerife Yes you can ask the municipality of Candelaria explanations for the delay in delivery of various public works

The complaint has to do with the green area between Sunrise and morning streets and entrances to the town center from the highway TF-1.

With respect to the first work, Mayca Coello, a spokesman for the formation of the left in Candelaria and candidate for mayor, he wondered "how is it possible that with the lack of green areas by the municipality, this important public infrastructure remain closed even though it's been over a year since the end of its construction."

In this context, considers that "it should give a public explanation, especially to dispel rumors circulating in Candelaria and suggest that the real reason that the city does not get is that your contractor, Amador Diaz Ramos, no enclosures completed under the project, pointing out that "if this were so this would be a clear case of favoritism group gobierno hacia un empresario particular, ante el que no ejercita las acciones legales oportunas para obligarle a finalizar la obra y a entregarla o, en caso contrario, rescindirle el contrato y pedir las indemnizaciones que correspondan”.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sandisk Sansa Clip Bluetooth

"Forbidden to Forbid? WRITE

Is prohibited without learning mourn,
up one day not knowing what to do,
be afraid of your memories ..
is forbidden not to smile at problems,
not fight for what you want, leave everything for fear
not make your dream reality ...
to miss someone is prohibited without cheering,
to do because their paths stopped hugging,
afford to forget the past and his present ...
forbidden not create your history,
not have a moment for people who need you,
not understand what life gives you, it takes it away ......
forbidden not find your happiness,
not live life with a positive attitude
not think we can be better


Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Add A Bipod To A Gamo Big Cat

I have wanted to write, but not that. Could tell a good story with a happy ending. I could rant and nefarious world apocalyptic. Could simply describe a feeling, an emotion, an experience ... not, perhaps too personal. Every day we are bombarded with warnings about the network and its contents. Do not put anything personal, anything that identifies you, nothing I can do to see your current situation ... but if we do not use this medium to express ourselves, so we want it? ... to light, I forgot that if you put in google the word sex will leave at least 1,000,000,000 pages, this is useful if ...

¬ _ ¬ U

Finally, look at the world with resignation because I really do not know what to put face. The weather will not write, I have my vocabulary a bit rusty, but I can not pick a theme. And little by little without realizing we are making an entry of nowhere ... a reflection absurd that anyone can occur while we are sitting in the battery cup (does not take long to reach this conclusion, although there are those who take up the laptop not to lose the thread of any conversation ... not the case that something important is lost) filled these lines without blushing. I'm not inspired, but I wanted to write.

PD: a palindrome entry ... I'm sorry, this time no final moral ... not today ...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Does Red Wing Make Carhartts Boots?

For those who do not know that it's all about, the phoenix is \u200b\u200ba mythological animal (almost as a demigod Greek roots), who died consumed by his own flames every 500 years, and its ashes sprouted a new, young phoenix. For those who like mythology, here's a little snippet:

"In the Garden Paradise, when humanity began to take its first step, pass the following:

In the center of the garden was the tree of wisdom. Right under their branches grew a beautiful rose. The rose was growing and one day, the first rose was born, destined to be the first rose of the world. Born beautiful, fragrant, lush, shy and fresh.
The most beautiful and magnificent bird of paradise had multi-colored plumage and a harmonious and mystical song. Seeing the rose could not help but admire her beauty and without hesitation, nested inside.
Everything was perfect, until one fateful day, men because of their desobediacia, were expelled from Paris. An angel drew his sword and banished to the severity with which he punished the betrayal. However, legend has it that when it was drawn, llamenate, burning off a spark that inadvertently went to the bird's nest, setting fire to the rose. The magnificent animal died.
From the ashes of so beautiful to be wanted the god to return to revive the bird. And so it was reborn there and flew a new Phoenix, the only one in the world. "

What Curis of mythology is always moral. Just as the phoenix, our desires, our esperenzas, our will to live are constantly subjected to flame, burning strong when we feel safe and alive, or off when we thought everything vanishes. The phoenix represents the hope of being reborn from the ashes, like humans are hoping to rise from the misfortunes, so do not lose your north and follow your fire burning because the energy that you are alive.

"While there's life there's hope."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Grad School Rejection Reconsideration Letter


How many times have we heard the typical phrase

"If you fight you lose, do not fight have already lost"

The question is when to fight, like fighting, it's worth the skin left in the attempt.? Call me pessimistic if you like, or optimistic about experience, but many struggles that began in our lives may seem to have no end "happy." Sometimes it is difficult to envision a bright future ... but of course, the future is not within a year. It is within a minute, within a second ... always play with our present and our future. As I was saying, that I miss.

From small mark us fight for the future but the future is uncertain ... What if in the end the future we seek is not just an illusion? It is better to glimpse an oasis in a desert. Our hope fades with each passing day, but reached the goal but the will to achieve what drives us and motivates us is still there. Tap to be patient because, although I do not think that patience is a virtue too cultivated in most mortals. Fighting keeps us alive, keeps us awake. Struggles for your friends, your partner struggles, struggles over all I think ...