Faced with the impending military action in Libya. Unity of the People, joins the campaign for rejection.
Assembly Manifesto Against Capitalist Globalization and War subscribed PU.
Not one euro, or a soldier, not a bullet for this imperialist war for oil!
In response to the political and media offensive for the "Operation Libya," which calls for a military invasion northwest in that country, and once known by the UN approval of a no-fly zone in Libya consider it urgent to point out:
1 .- Any military intervention on Libya, and we understand that the bombing aimed at creating an air-exclusion zone enforced by either NATO or the U.S. and some of its allies, constitute a flagrant violation of international law and an act of imperialist war that deserves absolute rejection by the people of the world and the realization of all potential mobilizations to stop this new war.
2 .- The attack on Libya serves a dual purpose: first, the plundering of their natural resources, especially oil and gas, and secondly, the direct control of the processes ongoing in Tunisia and Egypt, if they are not subjected to the western designs and popular uprisings against Persian Gulf oil kingdoms allied privileged U.S., EU and Israel. Bahrain's occupation troops from Saudi Arabia, at the request of its government, with U.S. acquiescence. UU. and no country - except Iran - have expressed rejection of any, is sufficiently significant.
3 .- Even now, with the same cynicism that in previous wars, we use from the mainstream media, the discourse of "Human Rights ." But anyone with a minimum level of information should I believe that governments have so often provoked massacres of millions of people and deposed rulers are not folded meekly the interests of its multinationals. The terrible suffering that are causing in Iraq and Afghanistan - in the name of the burka or weapons of mass destruction - we should remember that whenever we speak of "humanitarian intervention " are preparing a gigantic armed robbery.
4 .- If the Zapatero government support and / or participate in a NATO intervention, with or without the Security Council of UN-as the minister claims warrior Trinidad Jimenez, must be considered an accomplice to a war crime.
Such participation English military responsibility of the government of the PSOE, and will provide yet another example of the English subjugation of a Euro-American imperialism and its support to the private interests of English majors and REPSOL, SACIR, ABENGOA, NATURAL GAS ... etc . The same must be said of the parliamentary groups that support participation in this new act of war.
5 .- At a time when millions of workers and workers experiencing dramatic situations of survival and cuts all over the rights and benefits, the financial outlay of a new war is intolerable. Today more than ever there is to shout loudly: Not one euro for war!
No to imperialist war!
For the sovereignty of the people!
NATO, bases out !
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