Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Yagermeister Apparrell
Angela's Moncler Cost

I believe it was aimed at everything. Someone once told me, the black goes first, and I believed him. The music of those famous Rhythm and Reading or Special Method Solfeggio had them controladísimos. All summed up as follows:
• The black is worth a party. Solfer
I was super and then concluded the following things: • The white
worth two parties.
• The round is worth four parts.
• The eighth one-half of a party.
• Although he knew the sixteenth was a quarter of a party, was not able to measure this speed, so that was very fast, and you're done.
I was happy in my DosPorCuatro, I CompásDeCompasillo and my figures. One day all this universe I collapsed static rhythmically, as if someone has dared to throw the column Palmense that holds the sky (Roque Idafe). The school teacher of music, he had a terrible panic, told us of a certain SeisPorOcho. That was my downfall. I never returned to understand the rhythm, beat, figures. Not fit into my head that the black ceases to be what it always was. My idol had crumbled dark.
Later I was told that black is not worth a party. Maybe I can talk about that gives half of the white or twice the eighth, if not tell me a compass and the size of your party. I also explained that
- 1 round equals white equals
- 2 to
- 4 black
- equals 8 eighth notes equals ...
And that I understood everything. The DosPorCuatro was a DosPartesDeNegra and was a SeisPartesDeCorchea SeisPorOcho. My prejudices, many years later, they changed. And the music was not the mere recording that had been until then. The rate came to life and realized the relativity of time.
is why I call for the elimination of prejudices in school:
it not be said that black is not worth a party.
it not be said that a family consists of father, mother and children.
it not be said that Adam and Eve are our parents. Not
be said that Franco did well by the present Kingdom of Spain.
it not be said that the Moors are a pigeon, or that blacks smell bad or that Gypsies steal.
it not be said to wear long hair or earrings is girl stuff.
That never again hear that "the dirty laundry is washed at home" when a woman complained of abuse from her husband. [...]
And a long list that will invite increase in the comments.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Goldwell Colour Charts

The candidate of alternatives if you can by Tenerife Candelaria, Mayca Coello, has explained his party's proposal for the coast of the municipality in which it is proposed recovery of public land currently occupied by tourism enterprises and with clear signs of neglect.
To Mayca Coello, "is necessary for the City of Candelaria start a recovery process from various sectors of the coast between the end of the existing promenade and the beach next to Cho Vito. In this area, several private estates for years occupied the coastal area that by law should be restricted to public transit. Many of these occupations are for grants which have now been expiring without having conducted its renewal by the Provincial Coastal Service, incurring a situation of manifest illegality. "
For this reason, the proposed eco-socialist candidate can proceed to enter into a negotiation between the municipality of Candelaria and the Directorate General Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea, under the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, for these areas to become managed under concession by the City to enrich tourist offer for our neighbors.
In this action, according to Coello, "should include upgrading existing facilities, their physical separation from adjacent sectors belonging to private property and the extension of the existing boardwalk to the beach beside the old village of Cho Vito. " Finally, the spokesman for Yes it can be argued that "this action will contribute to improving services public and economic revitalization of Las Caletillas, an area abandoned by the municipality of Candelaria. "
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Gas Stove Takes To Long To Heat Up

The talk will take place on Thursday in the room to the formation of the left has in Guimaras. At the same there will be a review of the forms of democracy and the right of citizens to participate.
Yes The candidate can be in the town of Guimar, Gloria García Fariña, today announced the lecture with the title "Participatory Democracy and Representative Democracy "will develop on Thursday at 19:00 hours in the local Yes we can (Calle Ecuador N º 87. Barrio de Fátima).
García Fariña noted that "a long time our organization has tried to generate debate and collective reflections on various topics. We believe that before the next election, it was very interesting to talk about democracy and how citizens can play a more active role in it. " For this purpose the organization has had ecosocialist Roberto Rodriguez Guerra, distinguished professor of Moral and Political Philosophy at the University de La Laguna. According
spokeswoman Yes we can "want to be a participatory discussion, where many ideas are exchanged.
consider talking about issues like this is very necessary at a time we live in a huge disappointment among the public about politics or, rather, how to make major political parties. "
The candidate says finally that "the results of this and other public speeches we've been doing, will help us generate a manifesto which set out our desire to involve local residents in decision making, we want to open City Hall to the people of Guimaras. "
Collapse Puzzle Hacks

declares People's Unit that the current draft of a new road between Los Llanos and Puntagorda, which will include a bridge that would cross the gorge of Sorrows from Argual to Amagar, not contribute to the development of the northwest of the island of La Palma.
Village Unit notes as an example the situation for the municipality of San Andrés y Sauces, which is experiencing a severe depopulation despite being one of the areas where increased investment in road infrastructure have been made in recent decades (tunnels , bridges, elimination of curves). And is that a road is not only the gateway to a people, but also a way of escape, especially when lack of opportunities in that locality.
The comparison between the Viaduct of Los Tilos and the proposed bridge over the gorge of Sorrows is not at all arbitrary in both cases is of a nature of propaganda saying such works as "the largest in the world." If at the time it was said that the viaduct of Los Tilos was the "largest in Europe," now shows the bridge project of Sorrows as the "largest in Spain." What's in La Palma that? Does improving the situation of palm and palm for having such an infrastructure, supposedly, the greater the Universe? Is that what they call "Progress"?
There is no relationship between the construction of major transport infrastructure and improving the welfare and quality of life. Neither does a generation of employment, except in the short period that the works last. At a time when, with the excuse of the crisis, cut health and education budgets are Announce monumental works of very high budget and benefits debatable. The cost of this infrastructure money should be spent on other more pressing needs is the village of La Palma. Public resources must not be squandered on unnecessary and nonsensical as the bridge infrastructure of Sorrows, the macroaeropuerto (to be opened, coincidentally, during elections), highways or artificial beaches.
On the other hand, the impact on landscape and environmental costs must be taken into account. Not only in the sentimental sense, but who is unable to appreciate the natural and ecological values \u200b\u200bof an area, will also be unable to properly manage the resources in their territories, but also economically. And it is necessary to strike a balance between man and land, the environment in which it operates, much more than mere conservatism that separates the two elements and ignores the anthropogenically generated landscapes. Given the importance of tourism on the island of La Palma (whose management activity, weight and orientation, must obviously be rephrased), the destruction or creation of imbalances in the natural landscape and adversely affect it.
To People's Unity, future alternatives for municipalities as Tijarafe Garafía Puntagorda and spend to generate economic alternatives within those territories, without sacrificing its rural character, enhancing the midlands, crop and livestock diversification The food industry and crafts, new leisure space, etc. It should generate a productive economy not based on the binomial construction-tourism, and go for popular control of economic dynamics against a political power that represents only the interests of big business and banking.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Homemade Aluminium Boats

Faced with the impending military action in Libya. Unity of the People, joins the campaign for rejection.
Assembly Manifesto Against Capitalist Globalization and War subscribed PU.
Not one euro, or a soldier, not a bullet for this imperialist war for oil!
In response to the political and media offensive for the "Operation Libya," which calls for a military invasion northwest in that country, and once known by the UN approval of a no-fly zone in Libya consider it urgent to point out:
1 .- Any military intervention on Libya, and we understand that the bombing aimed at creating an air-exclusion zone enforced by either NATO or the U.S. and some of its allies, constitute a flagrant violation of international law and an act of imperialist war that deserves absolute rejection by the people of the world and the realization of all potential mobilizations to stop this new war.
2 .- The attack on Libya serves a dual purpose: first, the plundering of their natural resources, especially oil and gas, and secondly, the direct control of the processes ongoing in Tunisia and Egypt, if they are not subjected to the western designs and popular uprisings against Persian Gulf oil kingdoms allied privileged U.S., EU and Israel. Bahrain's occupation troops from Saudi Arabia, at the request of its government, with U.S. acquiescence. UU. and no country - except Iran - have expressed rejection of any, is sufficiently significant.
3 .- Even now, with the same cynicism that in previous wars, we use from the mainstream media, the discourse of "Human Rights ." But anyone with a minimum level of information should I believe that governments have so often provoked massacres of millions of people and deposed rulers are not folded meekly the interests of its multinationals. The terrible suffering that are causing in Iraq and Afghanistan - in the name of the burka or weapons of mass destruction - we should remember that whenever we speak of "humanitarian intervention " are preparing a gigantic armed robbery.
4 .- If the Zapatero government support and / or participate in a NATO intervention, with or without the Security Council of UN-as the minister claims warrior Trinidad Jimenez, must be considered an accomplice to a war crime.
Such participation English military responsibility of the government of the PSOE, and will provide yet another example of the English subjugation of a Euro-American imperialism and its support to the private interests of English majors and REPSOL, SACIR, ABENGOA, NATURAL GAS ... etc . The same must be said of the parliamentary groups that support participation in this new act of war.
5 .- At a time when millions of workers and workers experiencing dramatic situations of survival and cuts all over the rights and benefits, the financial outlay of a new war is intolerable. Today more than ever there is to shout loudly: Not one euro for war!
No to imperialist war!
For the sovereignty of the people!
NATO, bases out !
Friday, March 18, 2011
Walk In Doorless Tile Shower
ecosocialist The party claims that the group of government in the municipality of Candelaria try to modify the working and social conditions of its workers by submitting a proposal unacceptable.
explains If the candidate can be the City of Candelaria, Mayca Coello, based on certain legal opinions "fairly debatable" seek to deregulate working conditions contained in the existing agreement, beginning to extend the working day, counting the periods of vacation and sick leave for purposes of computing the hours of work which is now supposed to retrieve.
also continued Coello, and "as the 5% reduction in wages and imposed seems insufficient for the sanitizing of the municipal coffers, intended to link remuneration to performance targets and extraordinary service. Yes you can doubt that the determination of these objectives is made objectively and does not serve to promote more favoritism, less fairness and team spirit to the work of officials. It is noted that overtime is voluntary and exceptional, but they may be institutionalized as fixed, other than that would be contrary to the reconciliation of working life, personal and family of employees. "
Finally left spokeswoman added that "public employees may not intervene in the management of the economy, but they were allowed a share of force when such management is dire."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Pregnant Shooting Pain In Shoulder
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Exercising With A Genital Herpes Outbreak
I present one of the best selling games on the market. This is the Guitar Hero, this time in an online edition in which you can play with the keyboard. Do not enviciéis lot. Only need to give the drawing to begin ..... GOOD MUSIC !!!!!
Type A Electrical Outlet Test
As I have reported, has opened up within the conservatory and throughout the month of March you can pre-register. This is very important for new students, the second, for his age, given a number of points such that most students are just entering the second. I leave a link for you to download the application, to be delivered at the conservatory during this month, and must be done in duplicate and enclosing photocopy of the family book where it appears the child in order to justify their age.
I leave the form for imprimáis it at home. To access the download, click on the image.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Light Up Scooter Wheels

spokeswoman Yes you can in the city of Guimaras, Gloria García Fariña said that more than two years, particularly in April 2009, his political education asked the municipalities of Valle Güímar to begin work urgently to develop an Emergency Plan. For Garcia "past and recent events related to extreme weather events, including risk, demonstrate their need."
spokeswoman Yes we can said that "currently only known to the municipality of Candelaria is working on this line, we reiterate the request that Güímar to join the initiative. "
"It is impossible to remember fire as happened in 2007, Delta Storm, or the latter rains of January, events that remind us of the shortcomings of the municipality to any adverse event, either fire, wind or rain," he added from the left-wing organization.
Although an emergency plan is not required for municipalities with a population less than 20 thousand inhabitants, as Güímar from Yes we can are convinced of its necessity, "since you must know what are the risks, resources de que redispone, la coordinación de los medios ante los incidentes, las vías de evacuación o la concienciación e información a la población de cómo debe responder ante cualquier catástrofe, natural o humana. Se trata, en definitiva, de definir un marco de actuación frente a situaciones graves de riesgo o catástrofe. La ubicación del municipio y la cercanía del polígono industrial son motivos adicionales para estudiar y evaluar cuáles son los riesgos”.
Gloria García lanza nuevamente un llamamiento al Ayuntamiento de Güímar para la creación de un Plan de Emergencia municipal y “así garantizar que las administraciones velan por nuestra seguridad en la medida of all its possibilities. "
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Biggest Shark Caught On Camera
As every year, here are the groups that will participate in the carnival end of 2011, the Gran Teatro Falla. Also insert the commands which will express the best of those involved. Nandi
Michaels, Rivero and Pastrana in choirs, Morera, Aguilera and Algeciras in quartets, Welcome, Martin and Tino Tovar in parades, and the Canijo, Alvarado and jokes Swirl in prize fight for the last show this Friday
The madrugá
I particularly love Allegro Molto Vivace, the one they call the children's choir. Have a great competitor in the crickets in the morning of Pastrana.
Those who took the monkey off Amedio and middle
If Emilio speak ... Here
who hesitates is lost
I here it seems to me no question. The Morera with parody of Mark and the Monkey Amedio is the best.
The Vienna Boys Choir or Manolete
The Juaquín Chickweed, singer Mina Square
How hard is it
. Well, Rich and ripe, the joke of "The Canijo" and Juaquin Chickweed The raffle must first place. I think so, although it is quite difficult to predict.
currelantes Fun with Martin Burton
Juana la loca
I really have the jar Jesus Welcome eaten for years, so ...., but Antonio Martín Martín their follies Burton has a well established group that sings beautifully.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Gameshark For Light Platinum
Sitting in a circle, facing a group of other standing ... Starts the song. When you reach the "Rashayum" get up if we are sitting, if we jump up without missing a beat the same with pim pam Barbabum and pa pum pum ta.
Supports all variants that one can imagine. Have fun and power
coordination and musical sense.