Days go by and I still do not believe the news I read in the newspapers and even unless they see on television. So far this year and there are a total of more than 60 women killed by their partners, former partners ... Besides the untimely number of complaints (400,000) by gender violence. It's incredible. I thought we were in the 21 st century but it seems that every day we discover that we return to the Stone Age. We just need to go with the club through the streets and head to cebollazos anyone we please.
say from the Ministry of Equality that the major cause of the deaths of many women by their intimate partners is the fear of not reporting them, as upon withdrawal are subject to a restraining order ... with all due respect ... Bullshit. Battered women have no such fear if they saw that the measures taken are effective and not what they see, which is neither more nor less than every other day too and a lot of complaint is brought and by many restraining orders as mandated by the judges, innocent women are still dying. I'm sick of seeing the same ... Did you know that happens to men today? ... we are no better, nor worse, far more intelligent. We are just different ... and the difference in my view, whether we like it or not, must be respected.
guess this is not news to anybody and it takes centuries to change mentalities Neanderthals, but what I fail to understand, so I'm not in any way be in mind is that even for a single moment pass you by the idea of \u200b\u200bhurting your partner, one of the most important people in your life that you have to respect and of course be respected for her ... eye physical and mental harm to know that "play" all. I can not use the excuse: oh, is that I was the head / hand ... oh, is that I lost control ... if you lose control you see his head against the wall you bastard or pyres to the forest animals species but do not ruin your life ... Anyway, sorry, I tried to make a post of this topic, but beyond my limits. To anyone who reads it, do not be indifferent to the attacks mostréis neither be of the typical bend ears because you'll be seeing them becoming accomplices.