Friday, December 5, 2008

Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Tax


Days go by and I still do not believe the news I read in the newspapers and even unless they see on television. So far this year and there are a total of more than 60 women killed by their partners, former partners ... Besides the untimely number of complaints (400,000) by gender violence. It's incredible. I thought we were in the 21 st century but it seems that every day we discover that we return to the Stone Age. We just need to go with the club through the streets and head to cebollazos anyone we please.

say from the Ministry of Equality that the major cause of the deaths of many women by their intimate partners is the fear of not reporting them, as upon withdrawal are subject to a restraining order ... with all due respect ... Bullshit. Battered women have no such fear if they saw that the measures taken are effective and not what they see, which is neither more nor less than every other day too and a lot of complaint is brought and by many restraining orders as mandated by the judges, innocent women are still dying. I'm sick of seeing the same ... Did you know that happens to men today? ... we are no better, nor worse, far more intelligent. We are just different ... and the difference in my view, whether we like it or not, must be respected.

guess this is not news to anybody and it takes centuries to change mentalities Neanderthals, but what I fail to understand, so I'm not in any way be in mind is that even for a single moment pass you by the idea of \u200b\u200bhurting your partner, one of the most important people in your life that you have to respect and of course be respected for her ... eye physical and mental harm to know that "play" all. I can not use the excuse: oh, is that I was the head / hand ... oh, is that I lost control ... if you lose control you see his head against the wall you bastard or pyres to the forest animals species but do not ruin your life ... Anyway, sorry, I tried to make a post of this topic, but beyond my limits. To anyone who reads it, do not be indifferent to the attacks mostréis neither be of the typical bend ears because you'll be seeing them becoming accomplices.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pirates Digital Playground Free

Ultimamente pienso mucho en la vida. Por definición de diccionario entendemos la vida como el paso intermedio entre el nacimiento y la muerte. Nuestro vocabulario es extenso y rico en palabras pero en el momento de plasmarlas a la realidad comprobamos que carecen de sentimientos si lo leemos en un diccionario, un libro de texto o un currículum vitae. La seriedad que rodea nuestra sociedad está carente de todas aquellas comparaciones y metáforas literarias por falta de sobriedad. Vida es todo lo que nos rodea, lo que nos hace sentir seres que forman parte de algo. Vida es la gente que te acompaña en este viaje, vida es todo aquello que aprecias como tal. Vida puede ser lo que te da tu fiel mascota. Vida puede ser el beso que nace de la persona one else wants and comes as unexpectedly out of nowhere on a cold winter afternoon. Life can be the hand that hands you a friend to see you fall. Life is also what gives you an amulet that you take all sides and without it you feel unprotected / a. Life is the touch of a newborn baby. Life is the tears of a mother for her child. Caress life gives you a morning sun covered by clouds. Life is waking up and seeing your side sleeping soundly the person you love most tranquil resting / a in your arms ...

Life is what is happening to you while you insist on making other plans.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Srb 1800 Schwinn Ac Adapter

few days ago I dreamed of Death. Many fear it, others crave, but what is clear is that leaves no one indifferent. Our culture sees death with a "selfish" and I say this with knowledge of the facts. I was able to attend more than a funeral and see the pain that they infringe the fact that a loved one they have been abandoned. It is inevitable that certain feeling of sadness dwell in our hearts but in some cases death is better than life when life is meaningless for the living. We are selfish even in this aspect. Everything has a beginning and an final and can not be less than human.

Sometimes I wonder how that will stretch the leg. Ever since I've even seen my funeral held out as more than a one eluded him! "Good", although I would not even my own funeral. It is an act of farewell, and as such, are sad, painful and eternal time to celebrate it so, you know, if you can, do not come to my funeral. You have to take it philosophically, as the Americans. Mounted them if they know well. They killed a relative and mounted a binge that put blind ... then no wonder you sometimes see the dead, if they are of rum to the eyebrows. Jokes aside, it's hard to imagine the day that we are only a miserable speck in this vast universe.

Will it be a step into another dimension? Will we adopt some other way with the now famous reincarnation? Are we here to do a mission or they are simply beings who come into this world, leave a small footprint and then disappear without a trace?

Only in death hayaremos all our answers to the questions of life

(the target was not without some irony)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Schwinn Srb-1800 - Areadapter


Then they say that I will pot with posts I enter, but not without reason. A couple of days ago I picked up by chance on 20 minutes daily of free distribution that is collected and read by the province. I deign to open it during my 20 minutes than joy in working for a coffee. Soon I and 4 in close. This diary comprised a total of between 15 and 20 pages about ... OF WHICH 12 WERE MISFORTUNE ¡¡... that if a murder, if a violation, that if the strike, if the crisis, which ... they give to everyone where I was.
Please let seems to only be sold misfortunes. If we agree that it is today, but ... please, that the world is not ONLY disasters and misfortunes, gracefully contrasted with the lives of celebrities and reality shows every day / afternoon / evening we eat (I still have the great luck of having 25,000 better things to do than sit at our "beloved" idiot box.) Sometimes I wonder if what we sell is what we want to eat because it's really what we like to read (the force of habit), or indeed whether the world is made so made broth. Without doubt, I think what happens to our newspapers are reporting the reportage fácil.

Donde haya sangre y vísceras , que se quite lo bailaó no?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Coversyl Tablets And Herbs

PIERA 2008

Fin de semana agotador. Muchas horas, muchos partidos, mucha tensión, muchas ganas de jugar, muchas ganas de ganar... Todo ello provoca desgaste y a últimas horas de la noche del domingo, mientras el tiempo hacia de las suyas regalándonos un espectáculo de rayos y truenos, nosotros nos tomábamos un pequeño respiro en este gran ambiente. Disfrutamos y nos disputamos desde el primer al último punto, intentando no regalar ninguno (teníamos motivación para no fallar los saques, todo include xD). After three days without stopping, arrive at a final 4x4 against which I liked to call, "the selection machupichu" with all my respect. A group of players of Peruvian origin, and most sports but his volley was not the cleanest, abusing appointed in excess of spikes or "nasty." It's another way to play volleyball, as valid as ours, but far less showy. The bowls we could do nothing against this curious selection, though we show war. It is demonstrated the quality of components, 3 of them reaching the finals in various forms of competition: Xavi


Modalities Male 2x2 and 2x2 Mixed Open Pairs game
-> Laia
Sixt Sixt Selles


offer 2x2 male couple
Open -> Xavi

Roger Corbett:

offer 2x2 Open
male couple -> Thomas

PS: Special mention to the two revelations of the year, Laia and Ivette, who have shown few hours of volleyball and a lot of adaptability. Keep moving and soon you will see in the elite category.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Immediate Stomach Eating Mushrooms


is repeated on the same subject but I never get tired of shouting from the rooftops as hypocritical is our society. The more I watch more rare is it makes me live. Not if you realize that, for a time, was "fashionable" to become a member of an NGO and to sponsor children in developing countries. Today the crisis is more complicated thing. Despite this I think is one of those moments of reflection ...

Reflecting .......... ...... at 30 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 70 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 99 %.....


Call me selfish if you want but ... Are not there people in our own city sleeping on the streets, dying of hypothermia in winter, children rummaging through garbage, whole families living in ghettos because it is the only way they can continue living the best and most worthy as possible without hurting anyone? Not to be cruel, but before doing sending aid to 3rd world as does Red Cross (thing commendable, all noteworthy), try to arrange the 1st world in decline. Unfortunately we all know that such support comes with a dropper and many, many times passed before a black market by allowing him to nurture the usual ones, those above and those who pass by the capitals of Third World countries with weapons and sell BMWs civilian army to walk no matter who it rot while they are very full tummy ....

--- --- In order

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why You Don't Weigh Less After Pee

"good manners? MORE OF THE SAME

I have a habit in the morning when I wake up early to turn on the television to watch news. Luckily at 6'00 in the morning the news is so stark that you hardly have time to digest and last not just 30 min , so there are days I'm happy as to what they say. When I arrive at noon and gives me time to look at them, half of television news and I'm tired of seeing them as, on the basis that I know in advance what they will talk, it strikes both deaths make you want to stop it a zapatillazo.
Recently I woke up with the news that an immigrant who sold scarves found neither more nor less than € 2700 in cash in a portfolio, and a check for 700 euros. Given the times the disjunctive is clear, return or not. Although a check is easily traceable , 2700 € in cash not so. Typically, what we are taught to all small is to return what is not ours. Well, no news today is someone to do something honest. To the astonishment of the owner of the portfolio to have met in full all within its portfolio, as an act of gratitude, the man came to the saving of their "petrodollars " and gave him € 50. See this and think: "... make yourselves horse do not look the dentao but ... You bastard, you saved the skin because I know more than one and more than ten that had not returned, reach down a little bit more no?
Sometimes it is not normal for many people, should be ethical and moral grounds
PD Ye, faced with this situation, would have done, what devolveríais ? montaríais you a festival of 15? Taparíais a hole mortgage? and is the great dilemma:-D.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jean Ann Ryan Company

Some have already returned from vacation to tone muscles to stand as brave heroes or heroines pull the months to come. Nevertheless, there are things that have not changed much, although we try hard to show that they are not. During the month of August are ongoing Beijing Olympics 2008. All of a display of technology and taste as to ceremonies. Calculated to the millimeter, bordering on perfection, to show the world that Asian countries can make any shade if it is proposed ... and I say knowingly. And not both world but on a personal level, and we love to get the dirt on those who are living his moment of glory. What I say why? Ask them to our fellow journalists from A3. Each week we take the other side of the coin of the games. What makes me think of several things.

  • With the amount and poverty that surrounds the Olympic environment, why not move more threads so that, instead of clearing the streets of vagrants and prostitutes, they shelter them out of absolute misery?

  • Having so much poverty as we see these days, would not to be an extremely negative to shuffle in a drawing for candidates in the cities of the Olympic venues? What do you look then? The amount of "petrodollars" that will sell them to members of the jury to tilt the balance towards one or the other side?

  • If we like get the dirt on the other ... Why at the time not devoted to the Barcelona take 92 or are taken out of Madrid 2016?

I do not want to know how much money was spent only in the conclusion, as neither I nor know how many have put his hand underneath to release some wad them to "clean" the streets during celebrations and turn a blind eye to many others. Everything looks. Nevertheless we indifferent to everything, as if the thing does not go with us. We are not interested to look at reality because the more we look, the less we like.

base Example: noon news on TV, 2 dead in road accidents by reckless driving, account settings, supposedly safe neighborhoods, abuse of a woman who had the divorce be treated .... . and all you do is turn your face and keep eating.

If .... We return from vacation desire war, as usual


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pjs And Pancakes Invitation Verbiage


will reopen when the people have gone to the beaches, the mortgage squeeze more for us loan requests to go on vacation and the crisis, saying good morning greets us. Until then ....


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Homemade Team Spirit Noise Makers

Every time I see this instrument I miss not having taught as a child the necessary classes for a day to dominate slightly. Many are looking at a guitar and a wooden box with six strings, a long stick and something to say that if you turn to one side or the other strings sound different. There are those who look and not see a sounding board, six strings, a neck and headstock. There are those who are lucky enough to see music and where music is music is played, it moves the world.
is not only touching, but feel the notes you play to form something that moves the masses that can describe all kinds of feelings. I'm pretty sure that all you read this post you have a song that you have marked and that the reason X will wear with you always. That they do not even our loved ones. The music moves us, we are active, we are excited or angry without leave anyone indifferent. Who plays a guitar, who really knows how to convert the notes into melodies for me is the label of GENIUS.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Renting Gym Space In Michigan


I laugh when people say, "WE ARE CHAMPIONS" "finally" "What good are." But remember the game that Spain played some time ago and the comments of those same people were "THAT BAD Soysa. For we all know that is very easy to get side that wins when it wins and costs bit of looking the other way when things go wrong. Some say that "Red" had the quarterfinal jinx. I think the jinx journalists put it on the head of the players. The rest of the world has spent years telling us that we have some of the best football leagues in the world and of course ... so they tell you just what you believe ... No longer the story of Peter and the Wolf. In the end, keeping the base of skepticism and a healthy dose of humble things, A or B, just out, which is what has happened to our favorite players. At last we know what we play.

Does disjunctive note? Easy. I still laugh when I see Mr. Zapatero making statements about the selection, and promising (with just the pressure gets to us in our role) we can now dream of the world ... Modesty dose not change. In summary, the mortgages are soaring, wages on the ground, the cost of living higher and higher ... but what the hell Spain has won ... Where you see crisis? ¬ _ ¬ U

PS: If Mr Laporta fucking make him neither grace that "stealing" their players to play with the English team .... What were you doing in a VIP seat watching the Euro final? How to sign a German scout star? Was the parrot to get a cigar to the federation if their flag Puyol and Iniesta were suffering the slightest scratch? Anyway ...

moments to reflect.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Couch L Shaped The Sims 3


Sometimes I wonder what you really need a human to be happy. On several occasions I have missed the irony that the phrase implies that happiness lies in small things, a small yacht, a small house ... But are things banality is what keeps us away from happiness. Arrogance ... cowardice ... superb ... all known deadly sins. And everything is easier than it looks. Ago recently attended the launch of a book, RE-BE, which I recommend enaltecidamente. And its author Santi Lopez, a real genius of the human sciences (read as human science knowledge to treat, appreciate and respect the people to understand their difficulties in making them out of the doldrums in which they are sunk), we explained a great story. Do not narrate the whole, but there was one part that made my hair stand on end. The girl had a degenerative disease that would die within 5 years and watched as his adoptive father is worried about his taxes early death. One day her father talking to the girl's sentence was cool to say something like ...

"Do not worry dad, death is not so different to life. When you're walking in the morning to work, you're going, but deep down, they still are. "
only what you let die forgotten

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sanitary Napkins Disposal Cartoon

We are, dear readers, in an age of convenience, of solemnity to the human being. Del joy at our word that we are capable of anything. We can fly in extension the sky, we can navigate the vast ocean and can even fall into a disease years ago called incurable and using science in a few weeks to get up fresh as lettuce. But man does not stop and let the words, screw up. Invented bullet-proof vests to protect us from weapons that one day they appeared. Invented medicines for diseases that would not appear but the pollution that we see today. And the saddest thing is that our weaknesses are also shown in our ways of doing things. We have forgotten they seek to emerge as weak minds that many are subtle view. We educate on the technical strength, but we are weakened in the mental field. Call me old if you like, but where are those values that make us human beings deserve to call?. Years pass and we move further into the debauchery that the freedom to forget that the human being at its most basic consists of goodness and innocence and thanks to this our society today, over the years we forget those values \u200b\u200bbecause it we require. Compete to survive. There is no place for wimps. The first is the best and the second is worthless. So we ... So we grow ... So we die.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mixed Wrestling Nylon


who look at this picture think that has entered the blog of a mentally disturbed, but nothing is further from reality (at least I think). My thoughts are not as lethal as the image, but its bottom signiticativo sobering. Have not you felt so many times?
's been a while since my last update, and not really a problem. Maybe it's a good sign to have no time to sit at a computer thinking about an existentialist text, a philosophical statement and / or thought antagonistic to the beliefs of today and shaping it on a screen. Lots to do and little time to do. I am convinced that if the day had 27 hours, would fill the 27 without any shame. Fill our time for words, phrases, texts, feelings, thoughts, objects, people ... The point is that our life is empty to be prepared so that we get from this our beloved planet (the remaining, if I permitiis expression, two television news) with a clear conscience. I do not support alarmism, but I often think that this world is going to hell and not even our immutable. Without going any further, Sunday stroll in the park, a Green Peace activists gave out to me a friend as a brochure explaining the forests (lungs of the planet) are in continuous decline. "Our first intention? .. avoid it at all cost before it has time to utter a word. What we are happening? Pq "we have entered the game of passivity and indifference towards others and our surroundings? The comfort of our homes has made us become automatons individualistic self-seeking self-gratification without thinking about the collective ... less outrageous. No, I'm not alarmist, I'm realistic.