PIERA 2008
Fin de semana agotador. Muchas horas, muchos partidos, mucha tensión, muchas ganas de jugar, muchas ganas de ganar... Todo ello provoca desgaste y a últimas horas de la noche del domingo, mientras el tiempo hacia de las suyas regalándonos un espectáculo de rayos y truenos, nosotros nos tomábamos un pequeño respiro en este gran ambiente. Disfrutamos y nos disputamos desde el primer al último punto, intentando no regalar ninguno (teníamos motivación para no fallar los saques, todo include xD). After three days without stopping, arrive at a final 4x4 against which I liked to call, "the selection machupichu" with all my respect. A group of players of Peruvian origin, and most sports but his volley was not the cleanest, abusing appointed in excess of spikes or "nasty." It's another way to play volleyball, as valid as ours, but far less showy. The bowls we could do nothing against this curious selection, though we show war. It is demonstrated the quality of components, 3 of them reaching the finals in various forms of competition: Xavi
Avila: Modalities Male 2x2 and 2x2 Mixed Open Pairs game
-> Laia
Sixt Sixt Selles
: offer 2x2 male couple
-> Xavi
Roger Corbett: offer 2x2 Open
male couple -> Thomas
PS: Special mention to the two revelations of the year, Laia and Ivette, who have shown few hours of volleyball and a lot of adaptability. Keep moving and soon you will see in the elite category.
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