Sometimes I wonder what you really need a human to be happy. On several occasions I have missed the irony that the phrase implies that happiness lies in small things, a small yacht, a small house ... But are things banality is what keeps us away from happiness. Arrogance ... cowardice ... superb ... all known deadly sins. And everything is easier than it looks. Ago recently attended the launch of a book, RE-BE, which I recommend enaltecidamente. And its author Santi Lopez, a real genius of the human sciences (read as human science knowledge to treat, appreciate and respect the people to understand their difficulties in making them out of the doldrums in which they are sunk), we explained a great story. Do not narrate the whole, but there was one part that made my hair stand on end. The girl had a degenerative disease that would die within 5 years and watched as his adoptive father is worried about his taxes early death. One day her father talking to the girl's sentence was cool to say something like ...
"Do not worry dad, death is not so different to life. When you're walking in the morning to work, you're going, but deep down, they still are. "
only what you let die forgotten
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