Village Unit denounces the persecution faced by artisanal production of products like cheese, wine or honey on the island. Instruments such as the PDO, in practice only served to just the opposite of what were supposed to defend, that is, guaranteeing the authenticity of a differentiated product itself. The trend is therefore to homogenization. Behind all this, there is a persecution of the small ranchers and farmers the benefits of mass production and large landowners. In the case of wine, there is a disappearance of traditional palm wine for the benefit of wines that mimic French model. For cheese is the most acute, with the requirement of a series of requirements that most farmers could not comply. Unity of the People for the survival of these small products is essential, in addition to economic, towards the goal of food sovereignty. Obviously, this is not the economic model based exclusively on these sectors, but learn from the positive elements of any strategy of vertical and multiple use of resources, such as using grass and banana waste and whey for food livestock and, in turn, manure for agriculture, thereby reducing the dependence on imported feed and chemical fertilizers. It is a shame that currently prohibit the sale of certain products, sparking a real persecution, going so far as to fine small sales from the sale of dried figs.
must also remember that when a few years ago the island of La Palma was exported almonds, at present, while many remain abandoned almond trees, some productions have been imported almond kernels out, being varieties different from those used in the island, resulting in an inferior product. Since public administration should be implement a recovery plan almond trees.
People's Unit also notes the paradox that in the supermarkets are selling imported from outside the Canary Islands, bags of fried bananas or papaya confit, when you could create a food industry and even exports from the Canaries these processed products.
Village Unit advocates a strengthening of agricultural cooperatives, but claims that, at present, many so-called "cooperatives" are far from so, being in fact an instrument in the hands of large landowners and intermediaries. People's Unit also provides a priority of collective forms of ownership and development of a powerful public sector Canaries property becomes the determining factor in our economy.
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