Monday, May 2, 2011

Can You Freeze Carrot Juice?

People's Unit has application to the Parliament of the Canary Islands, La Palma.

Unit of People (UP) submitted for the election of May 22, 2011 Nominations for the Parliament of the Canary Islands of Gran Canaria and La Palma. Training, also has applications for the political left Gran Canaria Island Council and the municipalities of Santa Lucía de Tirajana, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

lists are part of union activists strongly committed to the struggles of working class people from historical organizations left in the Canaries and young people from the student movement.

The list to the Parliament of the Canary island of La Palma is characterized by the youth of its components and the top Dailos González Díaz, Rosa Elvira Pereyra Adrián Pérez Acosta, and Pedro López, from the student movement and youth organizations of independence left the Canary Islands.

The lack of expectations of young people on the island of La Palma is extremely worrying. Many young people trained on the island have to leave out of her for their future. However, since UP does not simply ask "policies aimed at youth" being the youngest a passive entity but a dynamic bottom-up, young workers to join and actively organize to change society.

Village Unit intends to use the election to hear a critical voice and complained to the loss of social rights, to the alarming situation through Canary Islands, with more than 300,000 unemployed, lower wages, job insecurity, the increase in the population under the poverty line, deteriorating health and public education for the benefit of privacy. Faced with this situation that increasingly affects negatively the working classes, who constitute the majority of the population, UP launched his cry of "who pay for the crisis caused it: the rich," the great fortunes, banks, large entrepreneurs finally, the big beneficiaries of the social situation which we suffer. CC, PP PSOE and the same interests of the big bourgeoisie and its social and economic policy is virtually identical, as we have seen in recent years with the loss of labor rights, deteriorating public services, reform of the pension law , etc. To UP from the left should take advantage of election day to create a critical consciousness, that people organize and mobilize to respond to these attacks. It is not simply to stay on the defensive setbacks posed by neoliberalism, but to propose an alternative model, anti-capitalist and sovereign, response the problems affecting the working class.

We face a crisis (political, economic and social) unprecedented in recent decades, a consequence of capitalist accumulation in the banking and real estate that has been tolerated and encouraged by successive governments. The situation is worse in the Canary Islands, with an economic model dependent on foreign centers of decision we have made are tilted to their interests and continue to suffer the colonial status of production of services within the European economy. This imposes an economy based in Canary exclusively on tourism, with high levels of speculation and a replacement of banana monoculture to monoculture of cement. UP defends economic diversification, aimed at achieving food sovereignty recommended by the FAO, which also requires crop and livestock diversification, and development of a secondary sector seeking the lowest possible environmental impact (hence, also rejects Plant Piche's Alley Cat). The economy must be geared to benefit the people, therefore, will enhance the forms of collective and public property. From UP also rejected the monumental works and construction of highways and golf courses. Proposed Village Unit REA suppression and the creation of a public company imports Canary strategic necessities.

People's Unit is a sovereign organization. In this sense, what he advocates is no transfer of certain powers of the chieftaincy benefits insular, but the Canary Islands Self-determination, understood as a fundamental right to national sovereignty and establish ourselves as Independent State. This is not the mere fact of changing the flag, but to provide ourselves with sovereignty to build a new model of society, avoiding turning Canary neo-colony or base of imperialist aggression, it is able to join together in solidarity with other peoples of the world.

As an organization that advocates peace, understood not just the absence of war but as an absence of social injustice, demand the departure of the English State of NATO and withdrawal of occupying international operations.

Finally, People's Unit is committed to a genuine democratization of society, advocating forms of participatory democracy and direct, and rejecting the serious democratic setbacks we are facing. We reject measures fascist political party law, and denounce the recent outlawing of candidates Bildu as a very serious violation of basic democratic rights.

For a Free and Socialist Canary!

now people!


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