Yes you can attend the neighborhood meeting, convened by the Platform for the Defence of the Widow's Beach last Saturday, which raised the urgent need solve the waste water discharge from one of the wells in the neighborhood.
Mayca According complaint Coello, eco-socialist candidate training in Candelaria, "it is inconceivable that in the XXI century, we can see sewage running by the streets in the middle of town, making a clear public health problem, "continuing" problems that exist in Playa La Viuda that the City claims to have solved, are still there, and even forced some neighbors to have to change residence by the inhalation of odors and contact with this wastewater "
To Mayca Coello," the council is making a clear abdication of its responsibilities to want to assign a local problem to the neighbors , arguing that it is a neighborhood problem, when really it is a municipal competence health problem, "adding "The solution could simply have run alongside the work of the first pump, funded by the Plan E, which would have saved the City a lot of money, showing a better management of public resources."
Alternative Yes we can agree to support, as has been done in recent years, all measures deemed necessary by the neighbors and the neighbors of the widow to defend their rights and improving their quality of life.
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