Monday, April 11, 2011

Preservatives In Chapstick

My father .... BEST MOMENTS

never have spoken of a musician, almost unknown throughout the world. I remember as a child and my most memorable image was when Labour came ... He was founder, or rather, iron molder. Made molds and melting iron in a company Salamanca. Since he had to endure heavy weights, I remember a child's eyes, with rounded muscles strong, hard - I loved to tighten your biceps and make the stout. I also remember the evening in my backyard. Was teacher of music, playing guitar, mandolin and lute. My house was filled with people who came to learn the songs of the mandolins, guitar chords, the children running ... the rondalla to which he belonged, pictures of theaters, night rounds .... And the music that filled the entire house. His hands
special, not only for music but also for all the arts, melted, carved, played ... his hands were the hands of an artist.
Today is no longer with us. It was as endearing music that gently caress the ears, like a whisper, almost without a sound ... He left two choirs, a workshop with grandparents, as he said, left solitary walks in the haunting, their instruments, their scores ... and left us alone to us that both learned from him, that taught us so much love for the music and ... We left with the rope slack mood, in the trial ... Maybe you are singing or playing, enjoying the great, wondering music small, simple chords, simple melodies, ... with that spirit that I had no doubt that we take so much, ...

That was my father whom I loved so much and yet you cry and I dedicate this entry.

name was José Vicente Hernández and died on February 16, 2011. This music is a tribute to him and a reminder of what it was.


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