Friday, May 20, 2011
Ok For Wax When Thrush
must also remember that when a few years ago the island of La Palma was exported almonds, at present, while many remain abandoned almond trees, some productions have been imported almond kernels out, being varieties different from those used in the island, resulting in an inferior product. Since public administration should be implement a recovery plan almond trees.
Village Unit advocates a strengthening of agricultural cooperatives, but claims that, at present, many so-called "cooperatives" are far from so, being in fact an instrument in the hands of large landowners and intermediaries. People's Unit also provides a priority of collective forms of ownership and development of a powerful public sector Canaries property becomes the determining factor in our economy.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Can You Take Ibuprofen With Sulfamethoxazole
Intervention Rosa Elvira Perez Acosta, a native of El Paso, in a discussion of Young Political Gran Canaria.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hakkapeliitta 5 Vs Hakkapeliitta 7
Pirates Digital Playground Online
As you know, we are preparing the party to sixth year and some are working countries like Greece or Sweden ... Adolfo our friend has asked me if we can play some ABBA and I found this video Donlu, which we know ....
Well, nothing, to play and ....
And see that suits brought at the time this song was sung ...
Explicit Movie Scenes Film
View Ecologist Assembly website La Palma
I have a question for you
Ecologist The Assembly wishes to raise, La Palma series of questions to the candidates the Cabildo de La Palma in the upcoming elections on May 22, on issues that concern us as citizens. We
public questions that have developed from the concerns of the assembly members and supporters, because we believe are of general interest and also invite you to answer them publicly.
- What do you mean by quality of life? What do you propose
- his party in relation to agriculture, organic farming and the import of agricultural products? What future
- arises in connection banana?
- Do you take into account the principle of "food sovereignty" for the island?
- what his party proposes to improve the problem of waste and water treatment plants on the island? Do you think the environmental complex of The Dark provides a solution to the problem of Barranco Seco and other illegal sites?
- What is discussed to ensure energy supply to the island to the progressive rise in oil prices and announced zenith? How
- improve the infrastructure planned for the island (highways, bridges, beaches ,.....) issues such as unemployment, health, education and levels of poverty?
- What do you think is the appropriate territorial model for the island?
- Some say that La Palma needs to increase its population in 40 or 50 thousand people, what do you think of this? Is it sustainable for a small country like ours?
- How does the model proposed in the Special Spatial Plan for tourism in La Palma (PTE), which offers golf courses, marinas, macrohoteles, etc., And has served as a base to PIOLP? Is it compatible with an island a Biosphere Reserve? "Distribute the wealth or concentrate on a few construction companies and speculators?
- The Community Europe has repeatedly denounced the Canary Islands for not adequately protecting the natural protected areas and their important biodiversity, what action arises in this regard?
- How does the health of democracy in La Palma (speculation, corruption, cronyism, citizen participation)? How do you understand citizen participation? Which begs for improvement?
- What do you mean by quality of life?
We have tried to sell that quality of life is to have major infrastructure, commercial centers, the latest technology, etc. Nothing is further from the truth. While still can, and should, be improved so many things, there is now a better quality of life in La Palma in Tenerife. Already taking shape, and incidentally pointing what some of our current shortage, quality of life is to have access to decent housing, health and have a quality public education, good working conditions, healthy eating, proper social environment and adequate natural environment. What
- proposes his party in relation to agriculture, organic farming and the import of agricultural products?
To People's Unity is essential to achieve food sovereignty, which is recommended by the FAO. An insular and fragmented territory depends to such a high level of imports is a suicide, a great danger because, before any international military situations, the arrival of commodities in the Canaries would be slowed. For us it is fundamental suppression of REA, the socialization of water and promoting aid to small farmers and food industry with a view of domestic supply. It is not autarky, of course, this is our future. It is necessary also to promote livestock overlapping and connected with agriculture, this would significantly reduce the use of certain chemical fertilizers, imported feed, etc. An example of how far the absurd: What makes the island currently importing bags of fried bananas and candied papaya packed away? And put an end to the persecution now have agriculture, livestock and the production of traditional craft.
- What future arises in relation to bananas? Banana
The question is fundamental when the island practically live in this activity can be described as the economic engine insular. However, we should question the current model, too reliant on subsidies, and question also monoculture. The problem is that when we question the banana monoculture model by some sectors, there is a risk of substitution of banana for the cement, which is obviously a setback. The banana is eaten, not cement. Should be considered in agricultural diversification, the use of waste bananas to own livestock, the socialization of the water ... and put an end to the dictatorship of middle and large landowners who control the stores and the entire marketing process.
- Do you take into account the principle of "food sovereignty" for the island?
Indeed, as already answered the question above, food sovereignty is a fundamental objective view to achieving a decent future, particularly in an archipelago. Before any court or international problem that restricts Canary communications with the outside (remember that remain international waters or outside the Exclusive Economic Zone of Morocco, as the recent "recognition" of the "canary water" is just lip service) , Canary could run short of supplies. Model as dependent on imports is unworkable and dangerous. What
- his party proposes to improve the problem of waste and water treatment plants on the island? Do you think the complex environment of The Dark provides a solution to the problem of Barranco Seco and other illegal sites? The island
between population a heightened awareness at the time of separating the waste. However, should improve their management, recycling and also to speak not only recycling, but something that is often forgotten: the reuse.
- What is discussed to ensure energy supply to the island to the progressive rise in oil prices and announced zenith?
is essential to promote the use of renewable energies like wind. They can also return to one's advantage to build water pipes small hydro. Nor should we forget something essential, and is currently a private company has a monopoly power in the Canaries. Something as fundamental as electricity should be in public hands, and therefore advocate the nationalization of UNELCO. The nearby Peak oil is a real problem, and unfortunately people are not yet enough awareness in a society so dependent on fossil fuels. If you do not consider alternatives already (and gas, of course, is no alternative, nor totally biofuels in those cases involving people take food to give to the car, see the question of millet in Mexico), the results will be catastrophic. How
- improve the infrastructure planned for the island (highways, bridges, beaches ,.....) issues such as unemployment, health, education and poverty levels?
The Pharaonic and major infrastructure works do not solve the problem of unemployment on the island and contribute to island development. To generate employment and prevent the decline of certain villages, the key is to generate activity in those centers and provide them with essential services. Bridges and highways, besides having a high environmental cost, not at all contribute to the development of the island, only serve as an outlet for people to flee. It also convert an "island continent" in an island prison. " How to help a freeway to alleviate poverty or improve public health? Nothing. Is the use of public resources, ie money tod @ s, in search of a profit to the pockets of a few.
- What do you think is the appropriate territorial model for the island?
live on an island with limited land, and has the relief you have. This is not no curse, nor should we feel self-conscious about it. Whoever sees this as a disadvantage or a problem, is that not come to love their own land. We can not pretend to have a way typical of mainland territory with a totally different terrain de Canarias. The territorial model appropriate to the island must adapt to the conditions of the island, the island does not adapt to the territorial model. The territorial model appropriate to the island must make clear that it can continue to grow "indefinitely" to be banished the idea of \u200b\u200b"development = growth", especially when identified (identification, of course, wrong) development and progress with cement and piche . Farming and ranching are not symbols of underdevelopment but remains the cornerstone of the economy, basic, people need to eat. The territorial model appropriate to the island has to take into account the island and geared to agricultural diversification and a redistribution of the wealth generated there, you do not run into a few hands. The capitalist model requires steady growth and it is obviously impractical. It is not feasible on a global scale, much less viable, island-wide.
- Some say that La Palma needs to increase its population in 40 or 50 thousand people, what do you think of this? Is it sustainable for a small country like ours?
clearly not sustainable. Should be established What is the population limit to where you can reach the island without threatening its balance. Without judging anyone for their place of origin, for now, the immigration law judge differently depending on the new inhabitants of African or European, for instance. The establishment of the optimum population for an island has to avoid all racist approach. Of course, it is also hypocritical to establish population limits when the current economic model requires more and more people. It's about changing the economic model that addresses the real needs of people and demographic setting limits must be matched of policies that foster and bring to the exclusion of the poor immigrants, punishing the abuse and exploitation to which they are subjected unscrupulous employers.
- How does the model proposed in the Special Spatial Plan for tourism in La Palma (PTE), which offers golf courses, marinas, macrohoteles, etc., And has served as a base to PIOLP? Is it compatible with an island a Biosphere Reserve? "Distribute the wealth or concentrate on a few construction companies and speculators?
The PTE in the event that would take place, would be a tragedy for the island of La Palma, destruction own territory. It is incredible that on the pretext of attracting tourism destroys what, potentially, attract tourism, the very attractiveness of the island. This is all self-conscious minds who hate their land, and aim to create tourist facilities can be found anywhere else in the world, photocopying, places of consumption. It is totally incompatible with an island a Biosphere Reserve. By no means shared the wealth, but will only increase the gap between rich and poor, most people only aspire palm to be operated under poverty wages making beds or serving trays. Remember that the vast majority of benefits generates economic mass tourism stays out of the Canaries.
- The European Community has repeatedly denounced the Canary Islands for not adequately protecting the natural protected areas and their important biodiversity, what action arises in this regard?
The problem is that under the guise of environmental protection, pursuing the small farmer and the farmer, but is allowed in those protected areas to build houses of dubious legality, roads, golf courses, etc. Do not forget that every landscape is not only natural but has lived anthropogenic processes. Therefore, we must move from protectionism misunderstood (sometimes used hypocritically by the administration) to models aimed at synergistic processes between humans and the environment. Protected natural areas should not be seen merely as recreational areas, and urban parks in the center of an area degraded. We need a global idea of \u200b\u200bthe island territory when we talk about protection. It is true that the Canaries have a significant percentage of its territory under some form of protection, but in practice is just worthless.
- How does the health of democracy in La Palma (speculation, corruption, cronyism, citizen participation)? How do you understand citizen participation? Which begs to improve it?
The island of La Palma still carries the burden of the chieftaincy and obviously there is no interest by the authorities to promote a more democratic culture among the population. Democracy is not a vote every four years and not believe in the existence of a "political class." What exists now are mere executors of the interests of a particular social class, which is the big bourgeoisie. Everyone must be political, all citizens should be politically active, have a critical awareness of reality. We favor participatory and direct democracy in mechanisms as participatory budgeting, referenda, caucuses, etc. But do not change anything if you do not touch the economic power also. A very interesting model and take into account is the Marinaleda.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Quotes For My 20 Birthday
A nte the possibility of coming into operation two asphalt plants in a place called "Alley Cat" , in the municipality of Los Llanos, adjacent to the El Paso, made a serious impact on thousands of residents of villages clustered Tajuya, El Paraíso, La Laguna, Todoque and sinewy, because they are within range action of 2 km and also because they are exposed to contamination and suffering serious health conditions, this platform wants to appeal to the candidates of different political parties to the mayors of three towns in the Valley to publicly commit to the following:
A for study and review of industrial land in the industrial I-2 of Alley Cat, to the competent bodies in order to eliminate highly polluting industries classified that can cause irreparable damage to the locals.
To suspend the licensing of asphalt plant until there is a court ruling.
To acquire the commitment to relocate the asphalt industry in the right place, and also those which may cause a considerable reduction in the quality of life for the inhabitants of the villages mentioned above.
believe it is very necessary restructuring of the industrial park in order to become a commercial and industrial complex that generates wealth and jobs.
A to apply the existing laws relating to environmental protection.
believe that the candidates (as) who sign this document give public witness to something we consider essential: the right of citizens to health and enjoy an adequate environment (Articles 43 and 45 of the Constitution).
signed this document PSOE, Izquierda Unida Canaria, New Canarias, Los Verdes, UPyD, MUPC and Unity of the People.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Rims For Rent In Orlando
Following recent events and incidents that I had in sixth, someone sent me this postcard. Who has not been, since it is signed, but since then, I agadezco soul.
Thank you so much.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Can You Freeze Carrot Juice?
Unit of People (UP) submitted for the election of May 22, 2011 Nominations for the Parliament of the Canary Islands of Gran Canaria and La Palma. Training, also has applications for the political left Gran Canaria Island Council and the municipalities of Santa Lucía de Tirajana, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
lists are part of union activists strongly committed to the struggles of working class people from historical organizations left in the Canaries and young people from the student movement.
The list to the Parliament of the Canary island of La Palma is characterized by the youth of its components and the top Dailos González Díaz, Rosa Elvira Pereyra Adrián Pérez Acosta, and Pedro López, from the student movement and youth organizations of independence left the Canary Islands.
The lack of expectations of young people on the island of La Palma is extremely worrying. Many young people trained on the island have to leave out of her for their future. However, since UP does not simply ask "policies aimed at youth" being the youngest a passive entity but a dynamic bottom-up, young workers to join and actively organize to change society.
Village Unit intends to use the election to hear a critical voice and complained to the loss of social rights, to the alarming situation through Canary Islands, with more than 300,000 unemployed, lower wages, job insecurity, the increase in the population under the poverty line, deteriorating health and public education for the benefit of privacy. Faced with this situation that increasingly affects negatively the working classes, who constitute the majority of the population, UP launched his cry of "who pay for the crisis caused it: the rich," the great fortunes, banks, large entrepreneurs finally, the big beneficiaries of the social situation which we suffer. CC, PP PSOE and the same interests of the big bourgeoisie and its social and economic policy is virtually identical, as we have seen in recent years with the loss of labor rights, deteriorating public services, reform of the pension law , etc. To UP from the left should take advantage of election day to create a critical consciousness, that people organize and mobilize to respond to these attacks. It is not simply to stay on the defensive setbacks posed by neoliberalism, but to propose an alternative model, anti-capitalist and sovereign, response the problems affecting the working class.
We face a crisis (political, economic and social) unprecedented in recent decades, a consequence of capitalist accumulation in the banking and real estate that has been tolerated and encouraged by successive governments. The situation is worse in the Canary Islands, with an economic model dependent on foreign centers of decision we have made are tilted to their interests and continue to suffer the colonial status of production of services within the European economy. This imposes an economy based in Canary exclusively on tourism, with high levels of speculation and a replacement of banana monoculture to monoculture of cement. UP defends economic diversification, aimed at achieving food sovereignty recommended by the FAO, which also requires crop and livestock diversification, and development of a secondary sector seeking the lowest possible environmental impact (hence, also rejects Plant Piche's Alley Cat). The economy must be geared to benefit the people, therefore, will enhance the forms of collective and public property. From UP also rejected the monumental works and construction of highways and golf courses. Proposed Village Unit REA suppression and the creation of a public company imports Canary strategic necessities.
People's Unit is a sovereign organization. In this sense, what he advocates is no transfer of certain powers of the chieftaincy benefits insular, but the Canary Islands Self-determination, understood as a fundamental right to national sovereignty and establish ourselves as Independent State. This is not the mere fact of changing the flag, but to provide ourselves with sovereignty to build a new model of society, avoiding turning Canary neo-colony or base of imperialist aggression, it is able to join together in solidarity with other peoples of the world.
As an organization that advocates peace, understood not just the absence of war but as an absence of social injustice, demand the departure of the English State of NATO and withdrawal of occupying international operations.
Finally, People's Unit is committed to a genuine democratization of society, advocating forms of participatory democracy and direct, and rejecting the serious democratic setbacks we are facing. We reject measures fascist political party law, and denounce the recent outlawing of candidates Bildu as a very serious violation of basic democratic rights.
For a Free and Socialist Canary!
now people!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vital Signs For Head Trauma
In some classes are learning about the Ode to Joy and one of you, Juan Carlos, I was sent this video, which while not exactly like the one we play, but it is very similar ....
DonLu also is starring, of which we have already published several things ...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Muscle Spasm Face Stroke

The left-wing organization has a young candidate with great enthusiasm, aiming for "a voice to deliver differentiated and show that you can make another kind of policy that has as its objective the benefit of a few and backs of the majority "
The event which took place at a popular hotel in Las Caletillas, in Candelaria, was attended by members of the bid and the head of the list to Parliament and the Cabildo Canaries Insular de Tenerife ecosocalista party.
Mayca González Coello, nominated by the City Yes you can villero, expressed "satisfaction at having succeeded in forming a sheet of honest and hardworking people with no more interest than change the city and serve the public, have decided to take a step forward, "continuing" Yes you can we have committed to be a maximum of 8 years in office and collect the same as a Group A officer of the corporation in which public office is exercised thus avoiding the professionalization policy that currently exists. " In terms of policy that you plan to develop alternative if the municipality can Coello stated that "we have a top priority to encourage active citizen participation in making decisions affecting neighborhoods and villages in the municipality, and a firm commitment to clean energy and the dismantling and without moving the Unelco Central de Las Caletillas By the year 2015 as marking the PGO of Candelaria, betting heavily on the economic revitalization of Caletillas "and the candidate himself continued ecosocialist" We believe it is necessary to go for organic farming as an alternative to unemployment in the midlands of the municipality and the development of the Industrial, now abandoned and a grim future " to finish adding, "Yes you can believe it is priority to recover the coastal seafront CANDELARICA for public service, as well as a commitment to job creation linked to the rehabilitation and put into use heritage as a tourism resource" .
Meanwhile, another of those attending the event, the City Council candidate, Fernando Sabaté, emphasized the need of pooling services between the municipalities of Valle for greater efficiency in management and the urgent need to implement the despuradora of district and currently are being poured million liters of raw water to the sea, with attendant penalties in the European Community.
Candidate To complete the Parliament of the Canary Islands by the formation of the left, Garí Sunday said there is concern about the cuts made by the Government of the Canary Islands in health and education, accusing CC and PP to move toward the privatization of basic services, leaving only available for a privileged few.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Roll Cage Vw Dune Buggy Blueprint
An instrument for four .....