Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things That Require Wearing A Jockstrap

You can download the newsletter No. 8 Southeast committee Alternative Alternative

Dear friend, dear friend

periodically committee militants south of alternatives if you can for Tenerife in the Valle de Guimar, we took to the streets our newsletter informative. In this case, we are at number 8 and, and in it you can find news like that are summarized below:

Headlines you will find the presentation of our two candidates Mayca Gloria Gonzalez Coello and the municipalities of Candelaria and Guimar respectively, and the basic proposals for both municipalities and the Guimar Valley in particular.

Page 3, is reserved for an article on the proper management of waste, an issue that since our formation is considered vital for the future.

Pages 4 and 5 are reserved for an interview with Fernando Sabaté, candidate of alternatives if you can by the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife island.

on pages 6 and 7, you will find an article dedicated to the continuing problems they have suffered Valley schools and do not seem to have an immediate solution because of the policies that are being CC-PP-PSOE.

In conclusion, we have our popular Did you know .. this time devoted to a special place as Samarin, threatened with the possible development in the area.

Again thank you for your interest and any suggestions or opinions are always welcome.


Tenerife Yes you can.


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