Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Names Of Parts Of The Inside Of A Car

Grim outlook for workers and workers canaries if not articulate the popular response.

National Council statement
The effects of economic crisis and the hits are harder capitalist policies run amok and put our people in a pretty desperate situation, especially if there is a much stronger popular response that done so far .

Although it seeks to minimize, if not hide the gravity of the current crisis, the reality is relentless.

indicators are dismal. The state recognizes our country more than 310,000 unemployed, which would add another 80,000 people who are part of the workforce and are not discharged from Social Security. Are "missing" in the make-up given in the official figures, who try to hide at all costs in the Canary Islands unemployment already above 30%.
From People's Unit, we have explained each time that official figures are given: the INEM / SCE no account of workers and unemployed workers who have worked for a week in the last twelve months. Or those they forced to do a "training course" to fatten the coffers of the trade unions and employers' scheme. Obviously, not counted people who do not expect any benefits and have given up going to sign the book of unemployment.
Add to that wages in the Canary Islands by 17% below the state average and 8% working day longer. If in addition we have the basket more expensive of the state, means that over 79% of families Canaries did not reach the end of the month.
As recognized by the state itself, through INE, 30% of the Canarian population is under the poverty line. The multiply famines. Many people only one meal a day. Many of our children go to school without being able to eat breakfast. In fact, in many cases the high school allowed the only hot meal a day, so no surprise that school failure reaches 38%.

And that in a country where a handful of capitalists have been over 25,000 million euros thanks to the mechanism of legalized tax evasion that has resulted in the Canary Islands Investment Reserve (RIC) real figurehead of neoliberal policies in the Canary Islands. Not to mention the billions given away by the specific supply arrangements (REA) which subsidizes scandalously importers at the expense of our farmers and ranchers.

Almost all staple products comes from outside. We are totally sold to fluctuations in domestic food markets and increases in fuel prices.

While public education deteriorates increasingly, with overcrowded classrooms and underpaid teachers, the public health benefit collapses into concerts and fiddling with private water companies.

hunger, deprivation and despair begin to make the lives of hundreds of thousands of canary and the canary. The rapid decline in consumption has taken a toll on thousands of self-employed and small and medium entrepreneurs, who see also banking corporations are tightening the noose around his neck.

We are not pessimistic, this is reality pure and simple, where we face a very serious situation, but at the same time encouraging, where we dump all the energy revolution, creativity and hope combative popular, articulating a forceful and organized popular response.

the service of this struggle, this need, a modest work every day from people's unity, because we do not accept, do not give up.

unite, organize, move towards a Free and Socialist Canary


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