Thursday, January 20, 2011

Draining A Swollen Thumb

Tenerife Yes we can require the dismantling of the Central de Las Caletillas before , 2015

La portavoz de izquierdas en el municipio de Candelaria considera que el mantenimiento de la infraestructura eléctrica generaría un grave prejuicio en la salud de los habitantes del municipio.

Tras la aprobación esta semana de una ley que da al Parlamento plenas competencias para el establecimiento de nuevas centrales eléctricas o el cierre de las mismas, la formación ecosocialista valora muy negativamente la medida ya que incluiría el mantenimiento de la Central de Las Caletillas más allá de 2015. Para Mayca Coello, portavoz de Sí se puede en Candelaria, "the new rule is part of the path blocking renewable energy from DC and PP seems to have been marked as one of its main objectives." To Coello "if the efforts of local and regional administration had been focused, in recent years in developing alternative energy projects to Tenerife and the Canary Islands today probably would be in a very different situation in Las Caletillas."

spokeswoman Yes we can consider that "political will is possible to transform this old power plant fuel oil in a hydraulic system or a combined hydro-wind power plant with zero pollution and 100% sustainable. In the Las Caletillas there terrain and environmental conditions necessary for this model of power stations can be developed. We believe that a project like this could have the support of the European Union as happened in El Hierro. "

From Yes you can go to continue to seek the dismantling of the plant before 2015, to fulfill the commitments once the locals and that this space "is converted into an item on the implementation renewable energy would help meet current demand and could break the monopoly of Unelco-Endesa. " In this sense Coelho noted the growing importance of renewable energy are having on job creation, with more than half a million jobs in the entire state. For her "continue to bet on a model based on fossil fuels is economically unsustainable and represents a huge waste of public resources." Finally

left spokeswoman said that "it is necessary to push for CC, PP and PSOE are convinced that the future should not happen to keep old plants or build new ones. The Canaries must build a new PECAN, which definitely is a commitment to a radical change in the energy model to treat to regain ground lost in recent years to exploit the sun, air and water power as a source of clean energy. "


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