Sin duda, uno de los momentos más esperados sin duda viene el viernes a las 15.10 p.m de la tarde... I am privileged, I know. At 15.00 am already booked and running almost came home for lunch, because the guts to devour themselves at this time. But at 15.09 I draw my weekly fatigues and immediately insert into pajama pants ... oh that great pledge, do not you think? Garment that is telling you it's over a week, you can take a nap of 3 hours after eating, you can unwind and enjoy the comfort of your home and your life until Monday at 8 to return to sign for the door. But in those moments just think of rest, relieved, a week full of perfections and imperfections to finish as king and lord of your home and do that you damn well (being as finely as possible) ... The peace that entails is indescribable. Undoubtedly, another time 10 of the week. CARPE
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