Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chemfax, The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle

Well I like Christmas ... Overall

hanging those lights there is no way of knowing who they are and that you can not look too long to figure it out because you go blind. I love going into a shop and has carols (same cd des years ago, an author please carol?), it is clear that the mode beshka will ostia.Me like rock and all family meals, my family celebrates it all all all ... So in a week like that throughout the year. And with each bite I think the first coach of the year.

me crazy end of the year (literally crazy.) To see how to explain ... just one year is not your life, do not fall into a coma lime with so much alcohol! Spend a year without drinking and you will understand. Abstainers we suffer. That's not counting the price we are paying to spend all night taking care of drunks.

Best of Christmas are holidays, do not nada... Felicidades a los que las disfruteis porque yo hace años que no lo hago. Gracias examenes de Enero!

Vale ya me he quedado agusto... difrutarlas porque os quedan pocos años, la del 2012 ya no existirá...

(este post viene dado de un comentario anterior siendo la protagonista la srta. Silvia R. He creido oportuno tenerlo porque las perspectivas sobre estas fiestas siempre son interesantes)


Monday, December 7, 2009

Just Had Puppies Bleeding


Llegan las fiestas Navideñas. Las calles se adornan con luces de colores recordando que llegan estas fechas. En estas epocas nos reunimos todos al rededor de la mesa (bien sea en noche buena, Sant Esteve ...) to put our stomachs to the test and pass gain those kilos that we both "like" to lose to look palm in summer. I promised myself not to be negative with these dates and do not say it's the time of consumption and waste ... ups, well, I said it.

Merry Christmas and watch out for dust-rum which is then difficult to get rid of the result (my mother has 26 years bear the consequences:-P).

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Yiff Animations For The Ipod

Friday ... you can say on a Friday. Comes the weekend. All eager to ease the minds (well, almost all, there are que no paran las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año, 366 si es bisiesto). Seguro que más de uno ya tiene planeadas cosas que hacer para el sábado venidero desde el sábado anterior. Salir con los amigos, con la pareja, irte de copas, salir de cena, ir al cine, hacer algo de deporte... y es que el fin de semana se nos queda corto para todo lo que queremos hacer. Siempre he pensado que tendrían que ser 3 días de fin de semana y el resto laboral (los hay que no trabajarían nunca si pudieran, me apunto el primero si conocéis la formula para llegar a fin de mes sin pegar un palo al agua).

Sin duda, uno de los momentos más esperados sin duda viene el viernes a las 15.10 p.m de la tarde... I am privileged, I know. At 15.00 am already booked and running almost came home for lunch, because the guts to devour themselves at this time. But at 15.09 I draw my weekly fatigues and immediately insert into pajama pants ... oh that great pledge, do not you think? Garment that is telling you it's over a week, you can take a nap of 3 hours after eating, you can unwind and enjoy the comfort of your home and your life until Monday at 8 to return to sign for the door. But in those moments just think of rest, relieved, a week full of perfections and imperfections to finish as king and lord of your home and do that you damn well (being as finely as possible) ... The peace that entails is indescribable. Undoubtedly, another time 10 of the week. CARPE


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Templates For Grad School Letter Of Intent

The lie is as relative as the truth. Everything is relative said eloquent and wise in our Einstein. How many times have we been able to engage in a lie over our lives? very nearly the store treasures. Today, everyone lies, for better or for worse. Parents, siblings, friends, politicians, little characters of celebrity ... none is saved. There are many kinds of lies: the pious (if you feel love well), the wise (law a quantum physics book back on the atom that explained ... as you think: what the hell is quantum physics), the affirmative (yes yes, yes, of course ... minutes later you wonder What the hell did you say yes), etc. I once read in a book, a phrase that stuck with me and I use when I detect a lie or to be part of one:


course there are real acrobats of lies. But lies are those which are slaves that lead us situations that leave us no choice but to get in evidence. This is how the "ball" becomes a size such that it is impossible to stop, so we just believe that for one day bet that people would swallow forgetting that not only are we lying to ourselves but and what is worse, which lie to the ones we appreciate and that can be a fatal error. Here is then generated mistrust and lack of credibility of the person. It takes a long, long time to earn the trust of the people but just a few seconds only to lose something so valuable. Learn to preserve and even let you in evidence, a truth is better time a long lie, is my advice.

Monday, February 9, 2009

How To Persuade Your Wife To Get A Brazilian


dreams walking on the post. Experts say we usually have an average of between 6 and 7 daydreams (or rather, night). Many use their dreams as a means of escape to a reality ... reality. Others believe we are the solution to our problems and that in sleep our brain does not stop, but continues its work. We dream to think, dream to live, we dream with our friends, neighbors, people close. We have the key of dreams trying to discover its meaning and what we do is more complicated. What meaning will you take a dream where you see yourself as Indiana Jones running and fall in vacuum with a set of skulls staring at you and telling you: Bye .. bye .. goodbye ... and when you fall you're in the middle of London sipping Irish coffee in a Basque tavern ?.... In my opinion, dreams are a set of images that visualize because our brain unconsciously have been recorded. How many times have we woken up dreaming of a car whose registration desconocéis completely and yet the next day for you so you cross the street?. Is it the destination that meets your car to do something? ... Pq "not thrown under the wheels and see what happens? Overall, that's fate, what can happen?. Ironies besides, I'm tired of sleep study and its significance. Let the dreams are just what the name means "dreams". I fulfilled a dream here ...


(live your dream)

by Bru