is repeated on the same subject but I never get tired of shouting from the rooftops as hypocritical is our society. The more I watch more rare is it makes me live. Not if you realize that, for a time, was "fashionable" to become a member of an NGO and to sponsor children in developing countries. Today the crisis is more complicated thing. Despite this I think is one of those moments of reflection ...
Reflecting .......... ...... at 30 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 70 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 99 %.....
Call me selfish if you want but ... Are not there people in our own city sleeping on the streets, dying of hypothermia in winter, children rummaging through garbage, whole families living in ghettos because it is the only way they can continue living the best and most worthy as possible without hurting anyone? Not to be cruel, but before doing sending aid to 3rd world as does Red Cross (thing commendable, all noteworthy), try to arrange the 1st world in decline. Unfortunately we all know that such support comes with a dropper and many, many times passed before a black market by allowing him to nurture the usual ones, those above and those who pass by the capitals of Third World countries with weapons and sell BMWs civilian army to walk no matter who it rot while they are very full tummy ....
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