Monday, August 25, 2008

Immediate Stomach Eating Mushrooms


is repeated on the same subject but I never get tired of shouting from the rooftops as hypocritical is our society. The more I watch more rare is it makes me live. Not if you realize that, for a time, was "fashionable" to become a member of an NGO and to sponsor children in developing countries. Today the crisis is more complicated thing. Despite this I think is one of those moments of reflection ...

Reflecting .......... ...... at 30 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 70 %.....
thinking ...... .......... to 99 %.....


Call me selfish if you want but ... Are not there people in our own city sleeping on the streets, dying of hypothermia in winter, children rummaging through garbage, whole families living in ghettos because it is the only way they can continue living the best and most worthy as possible without hurting anyone? Not to be cruel, but before doing sending aid to 3rd world as does Red Cross (thing commendable, all noteworthy), try to arrange the 1st world in decline. Unfortunately we all know that such support comes with a dropper and many, many times passed before a black market by allowing him to nurture the usual ones, those above and those who pass by the capitals of Third World countries with weapons and sell BMWs civilian army to walk no matter who it rot while they are very full tummy ....

--- --- In order

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why You Don't Weigh Less After Pee

"good manners? MORE OF THE SAME

I have a habit in the morning when I wake up early to turn on the television to watch news. Luckily at 6'00 in the morning the news is so stark that you hardly have time to digest and last not just 30 min , so there are days I'm happy as to what they say. When I arrive at noon and gives me time to look at them, half of television news and I'm tired of seeing them as, on the basis that I know in advance what they will talk, it strikes both deaths make you want to stop it a zapatillazo.
Recently I woke up with the news that an immigrant who sold scarves found neither more nor less than € 2700 in cash in a portfolio, and a check for 700 euros. Given the times the disjunctive is clear, return or not. Although a check is easily traceable , 2700 € in cash not so. Typically, what we are taught to all small is to return what is not ours. Well, no news today is someone to do something honest. To the astonishment of the owner of the portfolio to have met in full all within its portfolio, as an act of gratitude, the man came to the saving of their "petrodollars " and gave him € 50. See this and think: "... make yourselves horse do not look the dentao but ... You bastard, you saved the skin because I know more than one and more than ten that had not returned, reach down a little bit more no?
Sometimes it is not normal for many people, should be ethical and moral grounds
PD Ye, faced with this situation, would have done, what devolveríais ? montaríais you a festival of 15? Taparíais a hole mortgage? and is the great dilemma:-D.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jean Ann Ryan Company

Some have already returned from vacation to tone muscles to stand as brave heroes or heroines pull the months to come. Nevertheless, there are things that have not changed much, although we try hard to show that they are not. During the month of August are ongoing Beijing Olympics 2008. All of a display of technology and taste as to ceremonies. Calculated to the millimeter, bordering on perfection, to show the world that Asian countries can make any shade if it is proposed ... and I say knowingly. And not both world but on a personal level, and we love to get the dirt on those who are living his moment of glory. What I say why? Ask them to our fellow journalists from A3. Each week we take the other side of the coin of the games. What makes me think of several things.

  • With the amount and poverty that surrounds the Olympic environment, why not move more threads so that, instead of clearing the streets of vagrants and prostitutes, they shelter them out of absolute misery?

  • Having so much poverty as we see these days, would not to be an extremely negative to shuffle in a drawing for candidates in the cities of the Olympic venues? What do you look then? The amount of "petrodollars" that will sell them to members of the jury to tilt the balance towards one or the other side?

  • If we like get the dirt on the other ... Why at the time not devoted to the Barcelona take 92 or are taken out of Madrid 2016?

I do not want to know how much money was spent only in the conclusion, as neither I nor know how many have put his hand underneath to release some wad them to "clean" the streets during celebrations and turn a blind eye to many others. Everything looks. Nevertheless we indifferent to everything, as if the thing does not go with us. We are not interested to look at reality because the more we look, the less we like.

base Example: noon news on TV, 2 dead in road accidents by reckless driving, account settings, supposedly safe neighborhoods, abuse of a woman who had the divorce be treated .... . and all you do is turn your face and keep eating.

If .... We return from vacation desire war, as usual


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pjs And Pancakes Invitation Verbiage


will reopen when the people have gone to the beaches, the mortgage squeeze more for us loan requests to go on vacation and the crisis, saying good morning greets us. Until then ....