Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Whats In The Compressed Air Dusters

According to Gloria Garcia, municipal spokesman Yes we can "sports courts have Güímar just minimal maintenance by municipal officials, and rarely acted on after built, with what facilities are deteriorating, with broken boards and basketball hoops, goals that rust, fences that break or fall, grass growing on the boards of the floor ... a combination that leads to a loss quality and safety of this type of sports facilities. "
"In Güímar there are several municipal sports fields play a crucial service for the entire population, especially for children and adults, making possible the exercise and sport in a safe manner, moving much compared to the days when children had to play the ball in the street, with the logical threat to security, but in poor condition facilities also carry risks, "added the spokesman Yes you can, it is also critical that these spaces," often used for non-sporting events such as parties , or parks where there are works in the streets (an example is the district of Chacona this year), no cleaned well to leave them in perfect condition on these activities, and that although there is evidence of its implementation, or at least should have, from the areas of municipal government. "
For all this, from Yes it can be called "greater municipal involvement to be carried out better health care and sports facilities, as are areas of great importance to the people by the meet social service. "