CEIP Punta Larga de Candelaria is a clear example of the disastrous management of the Ministry of Education, Government of Canary
The supply of public education in the municipality of Candelaria is being affected by the significant population growth it has experienced in the last decade. Education Centres and Primary exist are the limits of its possibilities or even surpassed. The Ministry of Education lacks the necessary planning and management of educational resources to give a satisfactory answer to the existing reality.
This situation is found before the summer holidays when 25 children from 3 years did not agree to one of the 60 plazas establecidas por la Consejería de Educación en el CEIP Punta Larga, que les correspondía atendiendo al baremo de área de influencia. Finalmente la situación se solventó a costa de aumentar la ratio de alumnado en cada una de las unidades de Infantil de 3 años y a costa de instalar dos nuevas aulas prefabricadas en este centro que se destinarán este curso a alumnado de primaria. Una vez iniciado el curso las nuevas aulas prefabricadas no han sido terminadas ubicándose sus usuarios en el Aula de informática del Centro.
En el CEIP Punta Larga ya existían el curso pasado dos aulas prefabricadas que persisten hoy; además el pequeño salón de actos funciona como aula por las mañanas y se transforma classroom to stay in the afternoons, and the dependencies for the library work as a classroom in the morning, preventing its use for that purpose. We appreciate the commendable efforts the Director of the Center, faculty and College AMPA made to manage the space and continue to offer children access to books through the Mobile Library.
The Education Office has publicized the award of the construction of a new building with a multipurpose room and two classrooms that have not yet started taking advantage of the summer. With the start of the school year these works are incompatible for security reasons the presence of students at the Center
Moreover, the high that last year had 360 seats had 410 applications for this course. 50 applicants will be unable to enjoy this essential service to the reconciliation of work and family life. Many people who are unemployed or unable to properly establish a permanent job will be greatly hindered its incorporation into the labor market.
In short, Yes you can claim that this center is saturated and this is reflected in a substantial decline in the quality of its offerings and student welfare and contributes to the deterioration of the social status of public education. Why allow these poor conditions in a public school while still funding the private school? Why do not guarantee the human and financial resources for quality public education they deserve our sons and daughters? Alternative
From Tenerife Yes we can DEMAND that the Ministry of Education immediately start the new school building under the municipal land annexed to the existing. We understand that financial cuts should not be made in key areas such as education and should not justify the maintenance and the growth of inequality among people who have access to public education and make it private-concert.