Every time I see this instrument I miss not having taught as a child the necessary classes for a day to dominate slightly. Many are looking at a guitar and a wooden box with six strings, a long stick and something to say that if you turn to one side or the other strings sound different. There are those who look and not see a sounding board, six strings, a neck and headstock. There are those who are lucky enough to see music and where music is music is played, it moves the world.
is not only touching, but feel the notes you play to form something that moves the masses that can describe all kinds of feelings. I'm pretty sure that all you read this post you have a song that you have marked and that the reason X will wear with you always. That they do not even our loved ones. The music moves us, we are active, we are excited or angry without leave anyone indifferent. Who plays a guitar, who really knows how to convert the notes into melodies for me is the label of GENIUS.