We are, dear readers, in an age of convenience, of solemnity to the human being. Del joy at our word that we are capable of anything. We can fly in extension the sky, we can navigate the vast ocean and can even fall into a disease years ago called incurable and using science in a few weeks to get up fresh as lettuce. But man does not stop and let the words, screw up. Invented bullet-proof vests to protect us from weapons that one day they appeared. Invented medicines for diseases that would not appear but the pollution that we see today. And the saddest thing is that our weaknesses are also shown in our ways of doing things. We have forgotten they seek to emerge as weak minds that many are subtle view. We educate on the technical strength, but we are weakened in the mental field. Call me old if you like, but where are those values that make us human beings deserve to call?. Years pass and we move further into the debauchery that the freedom to forget that the human being at its most basic consists of goodness and innocence and thanks to this our society today, over the years we forget those values \u200b\u200bbecause it we require. Compete to survive. There is no place for wimps. The first is the best and the second is worthless. So we ... So we grow ... So we die.