who look at this picture think that has entered the blog of a mentally disturbed, but nothing is further from reality (at least I think). My thoughts are not as lethal as the image, but its bottom signiticativo sobering. Have not you felt so many times?
's been a while since my last update, and not really a problem. Maybe it's a good sign to have no time to sit at a computer thinking about an existentialist text, a philosophical statement and / or thought antagonistic to the beliefs of today and shaping it on a screen. Lots to do and little time to do. I am convinced that if the day had 27 hours, would fill the 27 without any shame. Fill our time for words, phrases, texts, feelings, thoughts, objects, people ... The point is that our life is empty to be prepared so that we get from this our beloved planet (the remaining, if I permitiis expression, two television news) with a clear conscience. I do not support alarmism, but I often think that this world is going to hell and not even our immutable. Without going any further, Sunday stroll in the park, a Green Peace activists gave out to me a friend as a brochure explaining the forests (lungs of the planet) are in continuous decline. "Our first intention? .. avoid it at all cost before it has time to utter a word. What we are happening? Pq "we have entered the game of passivity and indifference towards others and our surroundings? The comfort of our homes has made us become automatons individualistic self-seeking self-gratification without thinking about the collective ... less outrageous. No, I'm not alarmist, I'm realistic.